No Desktop Icons, Taskbar, or system tray. Killall/kstart work until reboot(pic and command output inc)

I guess I cant include a picture.

After logging into the desktop there are no icons/images for any files, applications, or system tray per my picture. Did a bunch of research and found ‘killall plasmashell && kstart plasmashell’ in a trouble shooting tutorial and it successfully returns my dekstop to normal, but then resets after logging out and back in.

Im unsure of how to use this information to trouble shoot what is broken. Looking at it the command it makes me think its simply refreshing the UI, but you would think it would organically do the samething after you reboot or relog. Below is what happens when I run the commands including what is output. When I run it the desktop disappeard for a moment and reappears with everything as it should be.

I would appreciate the help, and more importantly be instructed on how the information available can be used to troubleshoot the underlying problem.

    ~  killall plasmashell && kstart plasmashell                                                                                                 ✔ 
Omitting both --window and --windowclass arguments is not recommended
    ~  kf.plasma.quick: Applet preload policy set to 1                                                                                           ✔ 
qml: PlasmaExtras.ScrollArea is deprecated. Use PlasmaComponents3.ScrollView instead.
qml: PlasmaExtras.ScrollArea is deprecated. Use PlasmaComponents3.ScrollView instead.
Trying to use rootObject before initialization is completed, whilst using setInitializationDelayed. Forcing completion
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.digitalclock/contents/ui/DigitalClock.qml:534:9: QML Label: Binding loop detected for property "height"
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.digitalclock/contents/ui/DigitalClock.qml:499:13: QML Label: Binding loop detected for property "height"
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.digitalclock/contents/ui/DigitalClock.qml:499:13: QML Label: Binding loop detected for property "height"
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.digitalclock/contents/ui/DigitalClock.qml:534:9: QML Label: Binding loop detected for property "height"
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.digitalclock/contents/ui/DigitalClock.qml:556:5: QML Label: Binding loop detected for property "height"
Cyclic dependency detected between "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/global/Globals.qml" and "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/ThumbnailStrip.qml"
Cyclic dependency detected between "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/global/Globals.qml" and "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/NotificationHeader.qml"
libkcups: CUPS-Get-Printers last error: 1030 No destinations added.
libkcups: Create-Printer-Subscriptions last error: 0 successful-ok
libkcups: Get-Jobs last error: 0 successful-ok
libkcups: Get-Jobs last error: 0 successful-ok
libkcups: 0
libkcups: 0
QFont::setPointSizeF: Point size <= 0 (0.000000), must be greater than 0
kf.coreaddons: Expected a KPluginFactory, got a KIOPluginForMetaData
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.mediacontroller/contents/ui/CompactRepresentation.qml:77: TypeError: Cannot read property 'implicitWidth' of null
file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/extras/PlaceholderMessage.qml:238:5: QML Heading: Binding loop detected for property "verticalAlignment"
file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/extras/PlaceholderMessage.qml:238:5: QML Heading: Binding loop detected for property "verticalAlignment"
file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/extras/PlaceholderMessage.qml:238:5: QML Heading: Binding loop detected for property "verticalAlignment"
file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/extras/PlaceholderMessage.qml:238:5: QML Heading: Binding loop detected for property "verticalAlignment"
file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/extras/PlaceholderMessage.qml:238:5: QML Heading: Binding loop detected for property "verticalAlignment"
file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/extras/PlaceholderMessage.qml:238:5: QML Heading: Binding loop detected for property "verticalAlignment"
file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/workspace/calendar/InfiniteList.qml:43:9: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/workspace/calendar/InfiniteList.qml:43:9: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/workspace/calendar/InfiniteList.qml:43:9: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/extras/PlaceholderMessage.qml:238:5: QML Heading: Binding loop detected for property "verticalAlignment"
file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/workspace/calendar/MonthView.qml:381: TypeError: Cannot read property 'cellHeight' of null
file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/extras/PlaceholderMessage.qml:238:5: QML Heading: Binding loop detected for property "verticalAlignment"
file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/extras/PlaceholderMessage.qml:238:5: QML Heading: Binding loop detected for property "verticalAlignment"
file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/extras/PlaceholderMessage.qml:238:5: QML Heading: Binding loop detected for property "verticalAlignment"
file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/extras/PlaceholderMessage.qml:238:5: QML Heading: Binding loop detected for property "verticalAlignment"

Just taking a stab in the dark here, are you using a custom theme, does the same thing happen if you use breeze or oxygen? For startup of desktop session, do you use restore last session, if so, maybe try start with an empty session.

Update: I just figured out that its caused by booting into manjaro with a USB-C secondary monitor plugged in. A single USBC connections that carries both power and display. Unplugging the monitor before booting into manjaro allows my desktop to load as intended, then I can plug the display back in.

Its much less of a headache now knowing that. Still curious what is causing it though. Does that seem more likely something to do with display drivers? I know it can get a little weird because Im using and Asus laptop that has both the onboard display adapter and an Nvidia adapter, using that goofy “optimus”(?) technology.

P.S. Ydar, thank you for your response. I have added more information.

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I forgot some have weird issues with multi-monitor setups (something I don’t have so I forgot to consider it)

Is something like this worth bug reporting?

There are some fixes for multiple screens in Plasma 5.27, if that’s causing it. It’s on it’s way.

From above source:

Another problem is related to the the USB-C based docks that have video outputs (such as the Steamdeck one, but is common to any other model and brand). They dynamically create and delete the outputs and connectors when they are plugged and unplugged, but the connector name is not stable between different plugs/unplugs: sometimes after re-plugging the old names are not recycled, but increased (so for instance if those were DP-2 and DP-3, they may become all the sudden DP-4 and DP-5). Since we used to store those names, we have a problem: each time a new connector name is encountered is treated as a completely new thing, giving its new empty default desktop and no panels, causing many wtf moments.

Maybe it’s better with that.

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