No Audio and failure to shutdown on Manjaro Xfce

Are bad aliens - no package exist in repos or AUR.
It is possible these are manually built packages.
But more than likely they are simply packages you should not have.

It is also notable that some of these have current replacements in the repos;


Are all available in the repos as current versions (note the lack of a trailing version in the package name itself).

In the case of systemd-fsck-silent I do not know if it is replacing regular systemd or what … but do make sure you have systemd.

It looks mostly like its doing what it should during shutdown.
There is that watchdog with a timeout of 10 minutes … and you probably dont need or want a watchdog anyways.

I know you noted it shutdown properly when sound was working … but we might try to get rid of the watchdog regardless;
To unload the module now:

sudo rmmod iTCO_wdt

To blacklist the module:

echo "blacklist iTCO_wdt" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-watchdog.conf

Theres also a guide on watchdogs of sorts:

I notice you have a number of redundant snaps.
(and as usual for snaps they are all mounted concurrently for no good reason …)
I also note that none of these are applications … they are things like mesa and gnome.
You arent running on these things are you? Like your desktop session is not using the SNAP mesa, is it?
My real suggestion is to remove all things snap in general.
But short of that you may wish to go cleaning it up. If only not to have multiple snapd and so on.