New to Linux and trying to get ownership on NTFS drives on dual boot system

so about 99% of my games are on NTFS. I will just move the games that aren’t VR onto the drives I format to ext4 and leave 1.67TB on that one 2TB m.2 with Win11 as NTFS with the games for VR on.
so one 2TB m.2 will be Win11 with VR games and the other 2TB m.2 will have Manjaro with more games installed and I’ll format my 4TB ssd to ext4 for the remainer of the games I can’t fit on the Manjaro 2TB drive. Thanks everyone for the suggestions and help with this learning curve in Linux (great adventures!!)

@Mirdarthos @Teo @bedna so here is a question as far as space goes. Since I have 2TB to work with for installing Manjaro what size should I make the /root since I am sure 1.5somethingTB will be /home /usr?

I have pretty much every possible program from the repositories an i am still at about 20 GB used space. And another 20 for Timeshift backup. That is, if you do not use snap, flatpack or appimage, they are big.
The rest of my diskusage is /home. Steam goes also there by default. I do not recommend mounting the entire home on ntfs partition! There a lot of system files (.config) there and who knows what will crash if the permissions are not right, etc.
Make it only for the steam subfolder if you want! With the mount command.

Can you give me an lsblk before I giver recomendations, there are a lot of things involved here.

@bedna sure thing let me type that up

Yeah… You are new, so it’s ok…

But we want this, never pictures.


sorry I didn’t realize

not sure how to show the drive when its completely empty

Doesn’t matter, that is what lsblk shows.


lsblk -f

I want to see filesystems and possibly names for simplicity

lsblk shows:
nvme0n1 259:0 0 1.8T 0 disk
hope that makes sense

Makes zero sense. it should look something like this (but you will have a bunch of loops as well)

NAME        FSTYPE FSVER LABEL                 UUID                                 FSAVAIL FSUSE% MOUNTPOINTS
├─sda1      vfat   FAT32 WIN-BOOT              5483-0EFB                                           
├─sda3      ntfs         windows               6654845D5484323B                                    
├─sda4      ntfs         windows-extra         E61A49731A4941B3                                    
├─sda5      vfat   FAT32                       AC73-C072                             510,4M     0% /boot/efi
├─sda6      swap   1                           5ae8fbf5-a704-41ea-be6d-bf26b38325ed                [SWAP]
├─sda7      btrfs                              700d034d-b99a-482b-880b-9060acf3a6b3   59,2G    49% /var/log
│                                                                                                  /var/cache
│                                                                                                  /
└─sda8      btrfs                              2a875645-5701-4450-bd08-adf1f966a07c   92,2G    10% /home
├─sdb2      ntfs         Lilla Fil-fitt disken CE8C0EC38C0EA655                        1,4T    47% /media/fil-fitt
└─sdb3      ext4   1.0   MISO                  bd6e3634-1f2f-405f-87a1-5115bda000de                
├─nvme0n1p2 ntfs         Games                 68A4C531A4C50294                                    
├─nvme0n1p3 ext4   1.0   backup                2b1e42bb-fe37-4fa1-991e-aab694b6b16f                
└─nvme0n1p4 ext4   1.0   Games                 ccfef3ee-65e0-45e4-aac2-4604ad2e696d  108,7G    51% /media/games

Ok, so ur in live, maybe you need sudo for the command, so:

sudo lsblk -f
NAME     FSTYPE FSVER LABEL          UUID                                 FSAVAIL FSUSE% MOUNTPOINTS
loop0    squash 4.0                                                             0   100% /run/miso/sfs/livefs
loop1    squash 4.0                                                             0   100% /run/miso/sfs/mhwdfs
loop2    squash 4.0                                                             0   100% /run/miso/sfs/desktopfs
loop3    squash 4.0                                                             0   100% /run/miso/sfs/rootfs
sda      iso966 Jolie MANJARO_KDE_2213
├─sda1   iso966 Jolie MANJARO_KDE_2213
│                                    2023-05-29-08-47-39-00                     0   100% /run/miso/bootmnt
└─sda2   vfat   FAT12 MISO_EFI       1517-A94A                                           
│        vfat   FAT32                82A9-F303                                           
│        ntfs                        5C6EB6436EB615AC                                    
│        ntfs                        D84A47714A474B86                                    
         ntfs         Steam VR       480E74E70E74CF84

hope I did that right
I know nvme0n1 will be the drive I install Manjaro on

Now preformat that text, using the “</>” button while I edit this to give you info… xD
You really have to do these things, it’s nearly impossible for me to read that text.

want to make a EFI boot sector on this seperate drive so I can just go into UEFI boot and choose
Windows UEFI nvme1n1
Manjaro UEFI nvme0n1

not worried about using a bootmgr to swap between Win and Manjaro

I hope that helped @bedna sorry still learning

You have 2 TB free. Why don’t you make a manjaro install on a partition like 500GB and leave the rest unpartitioned and you can decide later.

The EFI stuff is handled automatically on install. The manjaro loader is like 2 MB, so you’ll be still fine with the 100mb nvme0p1 (shown in blk command). You will get a menu at the next reboot.

Let manjaro handle the switch with windows.

Ok, so you have 2 nvme drives nvme0n1 and nvme1n1

I cant see sizes, are they both 2TB?

@bedna they are both 2TB, so one I have as Win and the other I was doing Manjaro