Neovim 0.6 stable

Hey there!

I was trying to figure out how/when the community packages were upgraded and could find anything.

Basically we currently have Neovim on v0.5.1-2 (community) and I was wondering where to watch when the stable 0.6 (Release NVIM v0.6.0 · neovim/neovim · GitHub) was about to land (eventually).

For now I’m using AUR (en) - neovim-nightly-bin but I’d rather use the stable one.

Thanks for the awesome work!

N.B.: I tried the snap one but there’s an ongoing issue with glibc 2.33… and a fix which has not landed yet on their side.


Neovim 0.6 is currently available in the testing branch and should arrive in the stable branch at the next update.
See: Manjaro - Branch Compare


This is awesome, thanks for the swift update :+1:.

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