Need help with Themes


I have made a color scheme and selected breath2 theme which follows the color scheme. But this theme changes the tray and logoff icons to some bold icons. I booted a live usb stick and there breath2 doesn’t change tray icons (maybe these are the antu icons but I’m not sure). I tried to find the themes in ~/.themes, /usr/share/themes and /usr/plasma/desktoptheme, but couldn’t find what I wanted.

I onced copied the stock breeze icons to a McMojave theme and it worked, but now on latest stable I can not find the related folders. Where do I have to look?

User KDE themes are in ~/.local/share/plasma/, colors in ~/.local/share/color-schemes/, window decorations ~/.local/share/aurorae/themes, icons ~/.local/share/icons/, cursors ~/.icons/ and fonts ~/.fonts/

Default themes are in /usr/share/plasma/, colors in /usr/share/color-schemes/, icons /usr/share/icons/, fonts /usr/share/fonts/, sddm /usr/share/sddm/themes/

Other configs, themes and files are somewhere in your file system. Most likely default in /usr/share/ and installed by you in ~/.local/share/ or ~/.config


I looked in that places again and found it. I named to folder for the theme I modified different than the theme itself so I didn’t find it and was confused :man_facepalming:

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