My second monitor is permanently disabled in the nvidia x server

I was messing with the x screens and made two second ones, one with my second monitor on it, and then I rebooted. Now I’m here, and my second monitor refuses to enable at all. I’ve tried several things, including reinstalling my nvidia drivers entirely, what should I do?

so can you reverse the changes?
post output from:
find /etc/X11/ -name "*.conf"


not sure if I can reverse it, or how if I could

what a mess… remove these:
sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf
sudo rm /etc/X11/20-nvidia.conf
then reboot and test

I entered those commands, got feedback, and nothing has changed after reboot.

post again output from:
find /etc/X11/ -name "*.conf"


so try also this:
sudo rm /etc/X11/mhwd.d/nvidia.conf
reboot and check

Works as before now. Thanks once again for fast answers!

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