Multi PHP version with apache-fpm and vhost

I forgot to enable the php-fpm.service and php-fpm7.service now they are running.

the file name was wrong so I fixed it but I don’t want it load globally but from vhost.

In vhost I have to include httpd-php-fpm7.conf with ifmodule otherwise it throws error like 503 but what ever I add it show only php 8 not php 7.

I nclude conf/extra/httpd-php-fpm7.conf


Include conf/extra/php-fpm7.conf

ServerAdmin webmaster@khandakershahi.local
DocumentRoot /data/lampp/htdocs/khandakershahi
ServerName khandakershahi.local
# ErrorLog “logs/khandakershahi.local-error_log”
# CustomLog “logs/khandakershahi.local-access_log” common

	<Directory "/data/lampp/htdocs/khandakershahi">
	Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI Includes
	AllowOverride All
	Require all granted

<IfModule mod_fastcgi>
Include conf/extra/httpd-php-fpm7.conf

In httpd.conf file

which one to keep and which one to comment out as I want both to working with multiple vhost.
Like vhost khandakershahi.local need to run in php7.
