MTP android smartphone sometimes won't display content in Nemo

In addition to this post i made in the now archived forum i found a solution to my problem.

It seems that if you install both gphoto2 and mtp packages this error shows up. I removed everything related to mtp leaving only gphoto2 it keeps working flawlessly.
Maybe it is something specific with my phone (wilyfox swift 2x) but this may be usefull to others who have problems.
These packages are removed:

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Try downloading Dolphin File Manager. It works flawlessly for me.

Well i believe it could be a solution, i don’t like to install almost full kde DE to be able to install dophin.

I like Cinnamon and this solution works for me, i posted here to be usefull to others who also have problems with phones and Cinnamon.
But nevertheless thanks!