Moving home to new drive subdirectory, I have some questions

The first question that springs to mind is Why do you want to do this?”

  1. There is no sane rationale behind moving the home directories outside of /home in the root directory, and /mnt is intended as a temporary mountpoint only.

  2. The change will probably be undone again when the filesystem package is updated. This package ensures that the filesystem hierarchy is sane and compliant with the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.

That should be… :arrow_down:

cp -RPp

You’d want to preserve permissions and file ownership.

You can do it from runlevel 1, logged in as root. It would not be a good idea to do it from the normal mode of operation. Doing it via a live USB/CD/DVD is probably the better/easier way.

I’ve written a tutorial on how to split off a directory onto another volume, with /home as an example, but it does not cover a modification of the directory hierarchy. :arrow_down: