Missing Options Under "Appearance" Section In KDE Plasma 5.20.2 System Settings After Latest Update

Hi guys,

I use Manjaro with KDE. I updated to the latest Manjaro release yesterday and noticed that I’m missing some options usually found under the ‘Appearance’ section of System Settings. I wanted to change the theme to one of the Breeze variants but the only option I see is ‘Application Style’. In essence the options I’m missing are ‘Global Theme’, ‘Plasma Style’, ‘Colors’, ‘Fonts’, ‘Icons’ and ‘Cursors’.
I’ve never done any UI tweaking and this has me confused. I’d like to add a screenshot (or a link to one) of what I’m talking about but I can’t. I’d appreciate any input on this. Thanks for any help guys.

Manjaro Release Info
Release = 20.2
Codename = Nibia

KDE Plasma Info
KDE Plasma Version = 5.20.2
KDE Frameworks Version = 5.75.1
Qt Version = 5.15.1

Did you restart computer after last update?

I just did the update and rebooted.

All those options are present for me.

Yes, I did. I’ve restarted it several times hoping one of the restarts would trigger a fix somehow but this hasn’t helped.

Really? Then this problem might be unique to my system. I’m really hoping that I wouldn’t have to do a clean install of Manjaro just to get back the missing options.

Hi guys,

I solved the issue. I reinstalled plasma and the theming and configuration packages offered by KDE and Manjaro:

sudo pacman -S plasma kio-extras manjaro-kde-settings sddm-breath-theme manjaro-settings-manager-knotifier manjaro-settings-manager-kcm breath2-icon-themes breath2-wallpaper plasma5-themes-breath2 sddm-breath2-theme

And then rebooted. This fixed the issue. I am not really sure what might have gone wrong with the upgrade yesterday. Everything is now ok. Thanks.

I got the idea from an article on the Manjaro Wiki titled ‘Install Desktop Environments’, under the ‘KDE Plasma 5’ section. I thought that reinstalling KDE Plasma and any packages related to settings and theming might just be what I needed. I am not able to add a link to the article unfortunately.

I think I’ll mark this as solved, even though the solution isn’t 100% clear.

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