MediaController+ Plasmoid

Hello there,

I have installed the Plasmoid but am not able to see it in the “Add Widgets” sidebar. In the kde-store-forum another person with manjaro running was complaining about the same issue. So I am trying my luck here. Does anyone have a solution for this? Thanks!

I installed it using the Get New Widgets button, and it is there -
How did you install the plasmoid?

I have installed it on my system the same way as you have.

It is not here, as far as I can see.

Is there any folder inside ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/?

You have it here :stuck_out_tongue:

It seems so :laughing:. But where did the ‘+’ in the name go? :laughing:

It’s lost in translation. When you see metadata.desktop file, you’ll see that only default name has “+” in the name. Author of the plasmoid is lazy man :stuck_out_tongue:

You are right. I didn’t look into the metadata.desktop file. So thank you for enlightening me :smiley:

@Shirshendu , thanks for your help too!

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