Manjaro takes screenshot randomly anytime

while running it takes screenshot anytime multiple times randomly
after it takes screenshot keyboard does not work then i switch app with alt tab then it starts working

If you have another OS on the same device: Does this happen only Manjaro? If not, check if the Print Screen key is accidentally being pressed by something, or is stuck.

Check if you have set any shortcuts to take a screenshot. If you are on KDE, you can check by opening Spectacle → Configure → Shortcuts.

no i have only manjaro and i dont have any shortcut and one more thing after it takes screenshot keyboard does not work then i switch app with alt tab then it starts working

Sounds like a hardware issue (keyboard) to me.

i doubt it it works perfectly but when it takes screenshot then stops but it works fine when i switch apps

“Taking the screenshot randomly” counts as a symptom in my book: the PrtSc key (print screen) fires…

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Dumb question: how do you know that’s what is happening?

Dude it saves it in pictures

If you can switch back with a keyboard shortcut, it means your application loses focus rather than the keyboard stops working.

Let’s start with the basics.