Jellyfin "unable to connect to the selected server"

I’ve followed the steps from the Arch Wiki to install jellyfin-bin

❯ yay -S jellyfin-bin
❯ sudo systemctl enable --now jellyfin.service
❯ sudo systemctl status jellyfin.service
● jellyfin.service - Jellyfin Media Server
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/jellyfin.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sun 2023-07-09 18:45:17 CEST; 31min ago
   Main PID: 184106 (jellyfin)
      Tasks: 27 (limit: 37755)
     Memory: 333.3M
        CPU: 9.106s
     CGroup: /system.slice/jellyfin.service
             └─184106 /usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/jellyfin --datadir /var/lib/jellyfin --cachedir /var/cache/jellyfin --webdi>

I visit http://localhost:8096 select the available server and I get the error

We're unable to connect to the selected server right now. Please ensure it is running and try again.

The wiki says

Note: Check if any firewall settings are obstructing connection to Jellyfin if issues arise at this point.

but I don’t think I have a firewall enabled:

❯ sudo ufw status
[sudo] password for user:
Status: inactive

You also need


that is what allows you to have a GUI in the browser.

jellyfin-server-bin and jellyfin-web-bin are dependencies of jellyfin-bin, so they were installed automatically.

Deleting the existing server and creating a new one seems to have fixed it.

Do you have a firewall running?

I don’t think I did anything but it started working. Instead of what I saw before I found the initial setup wizard this time.