Manjaro Logo Boot stuck every second boot-up

Hello everyone,

I have this problem where every first boot up my machine gets stuck on the manjaro logo with the dots underneath. So GRUB passes fine I would think. After I force shutdown my machine with the power button and boot it up for the second time it always works.

I generated the logs using the manjaro-log-helper and they are attached at the bottom. The only lines I removed are the ones regarding tailscale. The issue happened before installing it as well, so I don’t believe this will matter.
In those logs is also my hardware configuration.

Thank you in advance for any help that I get regarding my issue.


/edit: okay i can’t add my log here because the message body has character limits and I can’t add hyperlinks to any pastebin, because I am not allowed to add links… What should I do then?

gist DOT github DOT com/Issykul/e8edfb662287aa835c0401f169c0f4ce

post the link as code <>

This could be caused by hibernation - with Nvidia GPU systems - or encrypted systems where the swap cannot be read correct.

Use the </> preformat button with the url(s)


Please see Black Screen with Plymouth - Cause and Solution - #2 by linux-aarhus as you may solve this by adding early kms to your mkinitpio.conf

Please see Black Screen with Plymouth - Cause and Solution - #2 by linux-aarhus as you may solve this by adding early kms to your mkinitpio.conf

I don’t quite understand. In the second post in this thread you say I should do:
HOOKS=(... kms ...)
But my HOOKS looks like this:
HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf block keyboard keymap consolefont plymouth resume filesystems fsck"

At what point should I add the kms? Because the comment in the file says the order is important.

The post also says something about the MODULES. Should I add amdgpu to it even tho I add kms to HOOKS?

This can be easily answered by

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Hi @auto-phenol and Welcome to the Manjaro community.

The Plymouth package often causes what you describe.

Completely removing Plymouth might solve your issue; it’s generally considered to be unwelcome bloat and many people (myself included) tend to remove it whether (or not) it’s causing any issues; because, sooner or later, it will.

Plymouth isn’t a typical package to uninstall. Because it’s closely tied in with boot processes, there is a special procedure to follow to remove it completely, and safely:

See the Plymouth page in the Manjaro Wiki for the correct instructions to uninstall it; under the heading of REMOVAL.

I hope this helps. Cheers.

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it is a 3 step process - grub parameters (all 4 from the 2 wikis), hooks, uninstall. See also this.

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Thank you all for your tips and tricks. Sadly I will only test them out tomorrow and will definitely come back here and tell you if it worked.

I still need to study for an exam and don’t want to brick my workstation and have to timeshift back.

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The first thing you should do is to press E in the grub menu to edit the entry and add the kernel options (see the 2 wikis - quiet splash plymout-disable etc) temporarily for the current boot. That will give you a verbous log while booting and eliminate plymouth, so you will see if it is the cause, if not, you will see where exactly the boot process is stuck. The last one you can probably see also with journalctl -r -b -1 (log from last boot, the unsuccessful one in reverse order so the error is the first line)


I chose the path of uninstalling Plymouth like explained in the Plymouth Wiki Article.

So far it seems to work fine and my computer now boots up 100% of the time. If one of my future first boots won’t boot up again, I will be back with more here :grin:. But thank you guys very much for all your help and instructions.

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Glad to help.

As the link you referenced was the one I gave you, I’ve marked my post above as the solution, as it seems you forgot to do so (feel free to uncheck if needed).


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