Manjaro keeps booting into "activities overview" (Super+A)

Hi there,

I’m new to Manjaro and loving it, but everytime I log into my freshly installed system, I’m in - what I call - the “activities overview”-mode.

What I mean by that is, that Manjaro gives me an overview of every open window as if I clicked on the “activities” button on the top left or pressed “Super+A”.

Is this a feature? I’d like to turn it off. :slight_smile:

DISTRIB_ID=ManjaroLinux (Gnome)

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So you are new to Linux in general and also with the development of Gnome. Yes, the activity overview at log in is a feature added with the new Gnome 40+. To disable it there are a couple of extensions that can do that.
One extension is No overview at start-up - GNOME Shell Extensions
Second extension is Just Perfection - GNOME Shell Extensions also available on AUR
And Dash to Panel can also do that, installed by default on Manjaro, but might not work if you also enable Dash to Dock.

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Yes, you got me! I a noob at Linux as well… :wink:

Anyway, thanks for the links, I’m gonna check them out now.


So, the “No overview at start-up”-extension did the trick! :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for your help!

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