Manjaro Immutable Out Now for Community Testing

Hi, will this immutable variant also allow a declarative package management similar to configuration.nix in NixOS?

If you build your own images, which is fairly easy, you will have full control over what is included in the image. It will install exactly what you requested.

That is definitely handy, but not exactly the same thing though.

I would like to have all configurations in a single configuration file, which I could change and update the system with a simple command.

This would also allow to track the config file with git, making syncing configurations between multiple computers easly.

I understand that this is not the goal of this build, of course.

You can upload your configs to git just fine.

Our approach to update management is different, the config is assembled and build on the server and not on the client machines. The clients pull the updated image in through normal updates.

Using a collection of files and folders instead of a singular big config file with a custom syntax is much more simple in implementation and more in line with Arch Linux philosophy. How arkdep-build functions is heavily inspired by ArchISO and other Arch tooling.

The tooling can also be used to build an immutable on top of existing distro infrastructure and not require everything to be rebuild and repackaged specifically for it like with Nix.


MAROS (Manjaro Atomic Read Only Operating System)

Nix I have to look up more but seems to rebuild the system based on the configuration on top of a base install to run that script. blendos also builds the system based on a package list and installs it to a BTRFS layer. Here we deploy BTRFS file images more or less compiled on server side, so to say and not locally on your machine. This way the image is deployed to all. When compiling and installing it on machine packages remotely might have changed. On a image it is fixed snapshot.


Has to many Aā€™s in it and does not go by the tongue easily if said fast, or severel times. I mean the part ā€¦rO^Ato
Even more difficult for Germans inserting a glottal stop in between :stuck_out_tongue: or die trying to.

Better but unsure where the fusion happens, in DBZ, McD or the atom.

How about Manjarok or similar :stuck_out_tongue:

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I pushed the initial update for the Gnome test image out. Open the terminal and issue sudo arkdep deploy.


  • addition of ptyxis
  • kernel update to 6.10 series
  abseil-cpp  20240116.2-2 -> 20240116.2-3
  alsa-card-profiles  1:1.2.1-1 -> 1:1.2.2-1
  arkdep  2024.08.01-1 -> 2024.08.06-1
  bash  5.2.026-3 -> 5.2.032-1
  binutils  2.42+r195+g29ae8b8ea71-1 -> 2.42+r207+g8a6764d35e5-1
  btrfs-progs  6.9.2-1 -> 6.10-1
  ca-certificates-mozilla  3.102.1-1 -> 3.103-1
  cracklib  2.9.11-2 -> 2.10.1-1
  curl  8.9.0-1 -> 8.9.1-1
  evolution-data-server  3.52.3-1 -> 3.52.4-1
  gcc  14.1.1+r309+gbb34b7eda1f-1 -> 14.2.1+r26+g14fa2b2ae7f-1
  gcc-libs  14.1.1+r309+gbb34b7eda1f-1 -> 14.2.1+r26+g14fa2b2ae7f-1
  glibc  2.40-1 -> 2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-1
  glibc-locales  2.40-1 -> 2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-1
  gnome-bluetooth-3.0  46.0-1 -> 46.1-1
  gnome-online-accounts  3.50.3-1 -> 3.50.4-1
  gnome-shell  1:46.3.1-1 -> 1:46.4-1
  gnome-software  46.3-1 -> 46.4-1
  gst-plugin-pipewire  1:1.2.1-1 -> 1:1.2.2-1
  gtest  1.14.0-2 -> 1.15.2-1
  ldb  2:2.9.1-1 -> 2:2.9.1-2
  libadwaita  1:1.5.2-1 -> 1:1.5.3-1
  libcamera  0.3.0-1 -> 0.3.1-2
  libcamera-ipa  0.3.0-1 -> 0.3.1-2
  libedataserverui4  3.52.3-1 -> 3.52.4-1
  libgoa  3.50.3-1 -> 3.50.4-1
  libpipewire  1:1.2.1-1 -> 1:1.2.2-1
  libtool  2.5.1-1 -> 2.5.1-2
  libva-mesa-driver  1:24.1.4-2 -> 1:24.1.5-1
  libwbclient  4.20.2-1 -> 4.20.3-1
  libxfont2  2.0.6-3 -> 2.0.7-1
  libxtst  1.2.4-2 -> 1.2.5-1
  mesa  1:24.1.4-2 -> 1:24.1.5-1
  mesa-vdpau  1:24.1.4-2 -> 1:24.1.5-1
  mutter  46.3.1-1.1 -> 46.4-1
  noto-fonts  1:24.7.1-1 -> 1:24.8.1-1
  nss  3.102.1-1 -> 3.103-1
  pcsclite  2.2.3-1 -> 2.3.0-1
  pipewire  1:1.2.1-1 -> 1:1.2.2-1
  pipewire-alsa  1:1.2.1-1 -> 1:1.2.2-1
  pipewire-audio  1:1.2.1-1 -> 1:1.2.2-1
  pipewire-jack  1:1.2.1-1 -> 1:1.2.2-1
  pipewire-pulse  1:1.2.1-1 -> 1:1.2.2-1
  readline  8.2.010-1 -> 8.2.013-1
  smbclient  4.20.2-1 -> 4.20.3-1
  tdb  1.4.10-3 -> 1.4.11-1
  vulkan-intel  1:24.1.4-2 -> 1:24.1.5-1
  vulkan-mesa-layers  1:24.1.4-2 -> 1:24.1.5-1
  vulkan-nouveau  1:24.1.4-2 -> 1:24.1.5-1
  vulkan-radeon  1:24.1.4-2 -> 1:24.1.5-1
  xmlsec  1.3.4-1 -> 1.3.5-1



The news is spreading fast. The Dutch-Belgian computer-related website already has an article (in Dutch) about Manjaro Immutable, and they are referencing this announcement thread in their article. :slight_smile:



I would only ask Manjaro for more stability, the big KDE releases are horrible, with Plasma 6 I had a lot of problems.

NVIDIA also often releases buggy versions, the issue is that hell is coming with Plasma 6.1 along with the new NVIDIA drivers.

So I propose Manjaro Immutable + 6, where major releases only go to Immuatable after 6 months from the stable branch.

That are unfortunately KDE and Nvidia problems. Manjaro is doing what can be done, already holding back the latest kde 6.1 and nvidia driver for the stable branch. But if upstream is crappy, you cannot do much.


@philm A restart of this update left me with a working trackpad but no keyboard on my old Chromebook (not the only Linux install to display this issue on this old machine, so probably not relevant). Powering off and on fixed that.

I had a secondary problem (before this update too) of all previous linux installs being listed by the efi bootloader (Bluefin, Kali, Fedora, Manjaro, Garuda etc). This has never bothered me before because it always booted into the most recently installed.

But with this immutable image it now tries to boot ALL of them before manjaro immutable (they all fail, because none are installed).

Iā€™ve just learned about ā€˜efibootmgrā€™ and am doing some cleanup. But I wonder if the immutable installer doesnā€™t need to reset the boot order so itā€™s first? Or perhaps itā€™s not setting a boot option at all in efi, since my current boot is option is the sata ssd, not a named OS like Manjaro.

Iā€™m wondering if the current behaviour is a bug, or by design for development?

Donā€™t take it as a grievance, itā€™s a suggestion, no matter who is to blame.

If Manjaro wants to go to the enterprise market ( Enterprise Services ā€“ Manjaro ) itā€™s going to need a more stable version, whoā€™s to blame is not going to be an excuse.

On the other hand an immutable distribution that isnā€™t completely stable doesnā€™t make much sense.

That is a firmware thing, this issue is not related to the OS. Clear the old dead boot entries out of your UEFI and they will no longer be listed.

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Hello folks,

I like this new direction. More options better.
I have been looking into this type of system that you install config and donā€™t worry about messing up.
Specifically users like me that are not advanced and dontā€™ have much time to be on top of things.
I would defitinly try a final release for my user needs and maybe migrate from my current XFCE.
I hope final versions of the popular DEs in same flavours we have now are avaiable in the future.
For me I use XFCE and hope it will be avaiable in this DE.

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For name I suggest ā€œIceā€.

It is short and easy to remember. Itā€™s at the top of most mountains. A solid but can be sculpted easier than rock. It can melted then frozen back into a solid.

The word ā€˜iceā€™ can be modified easily for desktop environments, maybe Ice Kream for KDE and Mice for xfce, or not changed at all like Ice Gnome (and Dungeons and Dragons players?).

Ice as a solid is polymorphic, meaning its crystalline structure can take different forms, depending on the environment (although the definition for polymorphic has evolved over time, similar to the way ā€˜immutableā€™ has changed) but it is not different at the atomic level. That may confuse some people but it might also encourage people to investigate and learn the meanings of immutable and atomicity and how they apply to software.

English is my native (and only) language but as far as I can tell, ā€˜iceā€™ seems to translate well in many languages. I could be very wrong about that and mispronouncing the translations.

Iā€™m not very active on this forum but I read it often. I saw this post and I love wordplay. No response necessary. If the idea is used, no credit needed.

My suggestion is ā€œDenaliā€, which refers to a mountain in Alaska. This is the English spelling of the name that some indigenous people gave it.

Denali is a modern spelling of the Koyukon Athabaskan word ā€œDeenaaleeā€ and usually translates as ā€œThe Great Oneā€. James Kari, a linguist at the Alaska Native Language Center at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, says that a better translation might be ā€œThe High Oneā€ or the ā€œTall One.ā€


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A youtuber talked about Manjaro Immutable

6:03 Manjaro has an immutable version

Video link below

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I tried installing the ISO in QEMU via virt-manager and Gnome Boxes and both reported that the ISO is unbootable. UEFI is activated.

UPDATE: I was stupid. Problem solved. I was testing this in a VM on a Bluefin host (immutable host/immutable VM) but I needed to install qemu+libvirt via homebrew in order to get Gnome Boxes to work correctly. Then the stupid part: I thought UEFI was selected, but I was wrong.

A suggestion for the final release: add Homebrew for Linux (https colon slash slash brew dot sh) as another method for software installation. Homebrew installs apps and services in userland under itā€™s own home folder and users can even cook up their own recipes in Github.

I am confused regarding the installation of apps. What package manager (besides flatpak) do I use to add stuff that will be persistent? pacman is available, but using it warns you that whatever you install may not persist over arkdep deployments.

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Alternatively you can build customized images.