Manjaro freezes on boot, flashes BIOS then "Welcome to GRUB" then ends on 10 "No irq handler for vector"

then where is your boot partition? :open_mouth:

Maybe Iā€™m an idiot, and you can boot without it, butā€¦ I dont think so, not with grub at leastā€¦

[manjaro manjaro]# cd /mnt
[manjaro mnt]# ls
bin desktopfs-pkgs.txt etc lib mnt proc rootfs-pkgs.txt sbin srv tmp var
boot dev home lib64 opt root run snap sys usr

This is mounting my drive and listing directories. I do not have a boot partition I have a boot directory, as far as i know it has always been like this on my rig including when it was working.

This is more info than I have, I was sure you need a fat32 file system to be able to boot with grub.

Sorry, canā€™t help then if you say you have never had one.

My file system type is Btrfs.

That explains a few things in your logs when trying to chroot.

But if you insist you never had a boot, I wont argue and wish you good luck! :open_mouth: