Manjaro canot see btrfs boot partition

must be so, after last mx update garudas boot menu was replaced mxs boot menu that as well as manjaro boot menu cannot see garuda… it never happend before, usually kali overwritte manjaro but i just turn bios setting and boot from sda and it was quite stable

i v instaled new garuda (though it needs some workarounds & setings) on sda1. now it is visible on manjaro grub on sdc1 boot and on sda1 boot.
what to do, to avoid further grub overwrttings while other upgrades?

Perhaps you can try to setup a EFI partition for each Linux distro.

OP apparently has a legacy system incapable of UEFI. Unfortunate, as managing so many OS’s; especially on ‘sda’, and using legacy Grub; is a potentially a volatile scenario.

maybe there is way to create a manjaro grub on data disk (sdd) and use it in a need whilest something crashes - kind of backup manjaro.grub ?

There are bootable Grub CD’s available somewhere (search Google), but they might only use UEFI – You would need to check that.

However, you can always use a Manjaro Installer CD in case of emergencies. I think you already have enough Grubs, on all those disks, don’t you? :wink:

SuperGrubDisk seems to boot both UEFI and Legacy systems; but make sure to choose the right version to download. Cheers.

I dont know if it can handle BTRFS in boot partition:


Good luck!

SuperGrubDisk seems to be regularly updated; it’s possible, I suppose, being that it’s a non-UEFI system and the OP has previously had it booting without issue with BTRFS.

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SuperGrubDisk seems to be regularly updated; it’s possible, I suppose, being that it’s a non-UEFI system and the OP has previously had it booting without issue with BTRFS.

pitty, i have not try Super Grub2 Disk couse it is in 2.06 version and it might work.
i did it more complicated: new garuda install which manjaro grub recognizes at once, than used

  1. Another way is to remove executable rights for os-prober. First find the location of os-prober using $ which os-prober. Output might look like: /usr/bin/os-prober. The remove the executable rights for all users for that file: # chmod a-x /usr/bin/os-prober

on mx, updated it and it worked. now got as before 2 working grub sets no matter which disk is in bios.

Moderator edit: Fixed formatting

There is also this: grub rescue on Ubuntu 18.04 with btrfs partition; albeit Ubuntu; which might be adapted for the purpose; creating a Rescue Grub on a USB. It was mentioned in another recent thread that someone had tried something similar, with success (using Ubuntu).

This is essentially what I suggested above, allowing Grub to detect OS’s during boot. You couldn’t find the line in grub.conf, so I didn’t continue with it.

I see you’re having some difficulty with that link. :slight_smile:

How to Stop update-grub from Scanning All Drives.

probably that was corupted part, couse overwritting was already done.
now got important line in mx ```

if [ "x${GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER}" = "xtrue" ]; then
  exit 0