Package List for All Default Fonts

Can anybody give me a list of all fonts comes by default installation?

  1. Pick the edition you want: manjaro · master · Profiles & Settings / iso-profiles · GitLab
  2. Open the Packages-Desktop file
  3. Search Fonts

It will list the font packages, which may contain more than one font, but you get the idea.


ls -a /usr/share/fonts/*
can be a start too …

Supposing no font has been installed since, no?

Well, the OP asked for default install. I prefer that custom fonts to install them as Personal.

Is the gitlab file the same as the after installation file /desktopfs-pkgs.txt?

In the gitlab file, # is a comment, but what is the > (i.e., >extra ttf-inconsolata)?

Thank you so much!


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