Manjaro broke...? This is gonna be rough to fix


[2023-08-12T06:51:34+0000] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman --noconfirm --cachedir /var/cache/pacman/pkg --config /opt/mhwd/pacman-mhwd.conf --root / --needed -Sy xf86-video-ati xf86-video-amdgpu xf86-video-intel xf86-video-nouveau vulkan-intel vulkan-radeon libva-mesa-driver libva-vdpau-driver mesa-vdpau lib32-vulkan-intel lib32-vulkan-radeon lib32-libva-vdpau-driver lib32-mesa-vdpau'
[2023-08-12T06:51:34+0000] [PACMAN] synchronizing package lists
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM] transaction started
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM] installed xf86-video-ati (1:19.1.0.r15.g7a6a34af-1)
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM] installed xf86-video-amdgpu (23.0.0-1)
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM] installed libxvmc (1.0.13-2)
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM] installed xf86-video-intel (1:2.99.917+923+gb74b67f0-1)
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> This driver now uses DRI3 as the default Direct Rendering
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]     Infrastructure. You can try falling back to DRI2 if you run
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]     into trouble. To do so, save a file with the following 
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]     content as /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf :
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]       Section "Device"
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]         Identifier  "Intel Graphics"
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]         Driver      "intel"
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]         Option      "DRI" "2"             # DRI3 is now default 
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]         #Option      "AccelMethod"  "sna" # default
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]         #Option      "AccelMethod"  "uxa" # fallback
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]       EndSection
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM] installed xf86-video-nouveau (1.0.17-2)
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM] installed vulkan-intel (23.0.3-1)
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM] installed vulkan-radeon (23.0.3-1)
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM] installed mesa-vdpau (23.0.3-1)
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM] installed lib32-vulkan-intel (23.0.3-1)
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM] installed lib32-vulkan-radeon (23.0.3-1)
[2023-08-12T06:51:35+0000] [ALPM] installed lib32-mesa-vdpau (23.0.3-1)
[2023-08-12T06:51:36+0000] [ALPM] transaction completed
[2023-08-12T06:51:36+0000] [ALPM] running '30-systemd-update.hook'...
[2023-08-12T06:51:36+0000] [ALPM] running '90-packagekit-refresh.hook'...
[2023-08-12T06:51:36+0000] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman --noconfirm --cachedir /var/cache/pacman/pkg --config /opt/mhwd/pacman-mhwd.conf --root / -D --asexplicit xf86-video-ati xf86-video-amdgpu xf86-video-intel xf86-video-nouveau vulkan-intel vulkan-radeon libva-mesa-driver libva-vdpau-driver mesa-vdpau lib32-vulkan-intel lib32-vulkan-radeon lib32-libva-vdpau-driver lib32-mesa-vdpau'
[2023-08-12T08:38:50+0000] [ALPM] transaction started
[2023-08-12T08:38:50+0000] [ALPM] installed paclog (2.0-3)
[2023-08-12T08:38:50+0000] [ALPM] transaction completed
[2023-08-12T08:38:50+0000] [ALPM] running '30-systemd-update.hook'...
[2023-08-12T08:38:50+0000] [ALPM] running '90-packagekit-refresh.hook'...

if thats true it seems like I might have to go the Xyne’s package detection script route as the wiki describes it should be only used if log isn’t there.

if my hunch is correct I from what you and the wiki is telling me I prob need to attempt this or whole sale reinstall the system which is gonna be a little annoying :frowning:

but likely much faster :grin:

You do speak the truth

always! :slightly_smiling_face:
makes live in general much easier

1 Like

That is a very empty pacman.log. It is only from today. So you cannot use the first recovery method. Either Xyne or just reinstall.

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Just for fun I’m gonna run the script

or not:

/var/lib/pacman/sync/core.files 2023-08-11 10:20 PDT
bsdtar: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

/var/lib/pacman/sync/extra.files 2023-08-11 10:20 PDT
bsdtar: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

/var/lib/pacman/sync/community.files 2023-08-11 10:20 PDT
bsdtar: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Last question: is there an easy way to seperate the Os and packages from the user data?

if not Its all good!

it is already separated by design

user data is in $HOME
which is everything under /home/yourusername
(!everything! including files and directories whose name starts with a dot - so called hidden files/directories)

nothing else is user specific

… wifi credentials are stored in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections
but these are not exactly user specific - but they can be
Back this up as well just in case - in fact, back up /etc as a whole, for later reference on changes you might have made.

As stated above, your home is where user settings are saved.

If you were asking for a list of what you have installed you can run pacman -Qqen > ~/my-packages.txt to gather them in a file.

You can back up /etc if you want, but tbh, you should probably restart with fresh installs on everything and then make modifications.

Unless it’s already the case, having your home on a separate partition is never a bad idea imho.
If it already is on a separate partition you CAN select it during your reinstall (by choosing the partitions manually in the installation) and it will not overwrite anything but rather take the settings you had on your previous installation and use them, but for the same reasons as above, imho you should make that clean as well.

Yeah thank you. I just got to learn best practices Eventually. And I gotta figure out how large to make root then Compared to home directory if I were to separate them

/root doesn’t need much at all
What you mean is the relation in size between / and /home (the root of the filesystem and the part of it that holds /home)
I’d give / about 25GB to 30GB partition size - maybe even more
and /home for the rest

Actually: I do not separate them at all into different partitions
so I do not need to make predictions about how much space I’ll need for / and then be pretty much stuck with that prediction.

The question is very valid imho.

I would say 25-30 sounds pretty small, I would aim for 80 for root and rest for home.
I don’t know how much size you have to play with so this is the advice I give.

Since you are going to reinstall, maybe btrfs and have both as subvolumes is something that would interest you.
With btrfs and if you have both home and / as subvolumes (like manjaro installer does for you if you choose btrfs) you dont have to worry about the sizes, btrfs will increase the subvolumes as needed.
Downside is you have to restore your home if you reinstall since they are on the same partition as root.

You can have home on different partition and still use btrfs, preferably both in btrfs if you want to use timeshift on them both.
This is the setup I have, but I only timsehift root, I have other backup procedures so this fits for me.
Stuff like chroot works a little wonky f ex but otherwise I am very satisfied with the performance of btrfs.

With btrfs timeshift snapshots are also WAY smaller than with ext4.

But btrfs works way different than ext4 and maybe you just want to use what you are used to.

These are things you will have to research and decide what fits best for you.

Alright did there get a new update pushed out? Because now every time I update my system from a fresh install it’s not booting anymore… Who’d done it.

With no prior knowledge my guess it’s the kernel version but I haven’t looked into it

If you ever see there is a big update, press n and go to the forum and check the stable updates thread and read through it.
Sometimes there are things you have to do to make the update go smooth.
In this case there was an update 11:th aug.

In your case, you should focus on reinstalling tbh (unless you feel confirtable with how the system is running now, why are you in chroot f.ex? do the update on your system)
When that is done, read that thread, take measures if needed and then run the update.

1 Like

Bloody hell of course, thank you!

I’ll just force it to previous versoin through chroot I think

I repeat:
In your case, you should focus on reinstalling tbh (unless you feel confirtable with how the system is running now, why are you in chroot f.ex? do the update on your system)
When that is done, read that thread, take measures if needed and then run the update.

But you do you.

Using the forum as a personal support for everything is not what it is intended for. :slight_smile:
Good luck!

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Oh yeah. I guess I didn’t explicitly say here . I did reinstall just having it break when I update it

create a new thread with the specific issue if you fail to solve it.

You got it