Manjaro 24.0 Wynsdey released

I also saw the missing

when I upgraded.
It was also taking on accent color in the Breath or Breath Classic plasma style in 5.27.11 and that was nice eye candy.

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Not I, said the fly. That would be @LordTermor’s department. I know he said something about it somewhere, but I can’t find it now.


Things like that are sourced from the icon theme now.
It can also be force-set in something like the Global Theme by using something like

                        "/General": {
                            "compactMode": "true",
                            "favoritesPortedToKAstats": "true",
                            "icon": "/usr/share/icons/start-here-manjaro.svg",

In the layouts.js

Between the difference mentioned above, where the Desktop Style no longer mandates such icons, and the status of the icon theme itself - that is what created the lack of the ‘M’.

This can only be fixed via one of the methods mentioned above - so in the case of something like Icons it would need to be a package update - but manjaro no longer provides, ex, Breath Icons, so that wont happen unless a new Manjaro Icons package is created (and installed/selected).

Which then leaves the Global Theme.
A change could be made like shown above - but would still require manjaro to make such an update - and then the users would need to apply that Global Theme again.

On a somewhat related note - manjaro really should update its ‘agnostic’ icons it distributes (/usr/share/icons/manjaro via manjaro-icons). The defaults look bad and oversized on panels etc.

Heres some I posted for someone the other day:


It’s actually kind of trivial, we just need a thin theme inhereting breeze and adding these icons, I didn’t want to dig into that for now.

We did it last month and it looks okay I thought?


Ah, I hadnt noticed the new stuff.
But … still, mostly.

The originals are just very large.
(even if you like big icons, given the space/ratio it somewhat dappens the icon/button feeling)

Now for the new new stuff. It has a slightly better size ratio with some padding.
Though still too large for my taste.
In any case its lopsided.

Now I guessed that it was because of the ‘floating’ style panel … but even switching to that it still does not look right to me.

Now all taste is subjective. But at least for myself I find the following much more pleasing;

(and its maybe a tad too small, but that is a detail beyond the larger point)

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Stable Update] 2024-05-18 - Linux-Firmware, PHP, Gitlab, Qt6

A post was merged into an existing topic: [Stable Update] 2024-05-18 - Linux-Firmware, PHP, Gitlab, Qt6

@philm Was there any deeper thinking behind the name Wynsdey than a mis-spelling of the day you thought of it?

There are times when all the world’s asleep, the questions run too deep for such a simple man…

Supertramp (1979)

Stolen from @Aragorn


All I could find was that in Star Trek, Wynsdey III was the third inhabited planet of the Memory Alpha system. It was however only mentioned during writing.


It sounds quite interesting and makes no sense which is probably the whole point.

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Stable Update] 2024-05-18 - Linux-Firmware, PHP, Gitlab, Qt6

One observation: only a small percentage of the checksum links (in this thread) have been clicked versus the .ISO links … :roll_eyes:

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Folks, comments in the thread should be about feedback regarding the ISOs and fresh installs, not updating from existing installs. I’ve had to move multiple replies to the proper Stable Updates thread.


Fresh install in my case is the Manjaro GNOME .ISO in VirtualBox. Works well so far with my experimentation/testing. I didn’t install an office suite or a few other things I won’t need for VB testing.

The only issue I’ve had is I found it locks up after a while in (U)EFI mode but that seemingly isn’t a Manjaro issue rather a VirtualBox problem (same thing happens with EndeavourOS and Manjaro KDE).

Also my issue of being a Gnome “Virgin” and as yet have no idea how to find my way around it! Totally alien to me. (Installed it to see if might be useful for “helping” on here).

You will be quite surprised checking all previous Manjaro versions names…


Haha @anton6613 hit the nail on the head - that’s funny.

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Wasn’t “Vulcan” a dead giveaway? :vulcan_salute:



So I managed to get up-to-date and running nvidia-390 with Plasma 6 [and even Wayland (but only @480p)] with kernels 61, 65, 66, 69.

The last and only iso I could do it with was manjaro-kde-23.0.4-231015-linux65.iso

The ones before it might be doable, but you run into dependency-cycle issues with plasma5>plasma6 packages on pamac/pacman.

The ones after, the isos came with linux66 or newer and proprietary installs (my graphics card is NVIDIA GF119M [GeForce 410M]) would not boot past the logo on the 66+ kernels.

As this might be scaring off “new users on older hardware” I believe this is useful info for devs here.
There must have been some changes in either Calamares, or possibly Mhwd from the 23.0.4 to the 23.1.0 release! Sddm I don’t think is an issue as I selected auto-login on boot in Calamares.

As this is not only concerning this Wynsdey release I can provide info in the thread I opened here for the issue: Nvidia 390 not working with kernel 66 on new install?

Btw, where can I find the script kindly provided by @linux-aarhus ?