Manjaro 21.1 Pahvo Release is near

You can use the ventoy package and to copy how many images you want to store on your USB storage (stick, card reader, external device) as you want.
The ventoy image manager tool does not offer support of every image, but most of them/used often by a user are supported and the project is actively developing, adding features including support new image types.
It suggest one time (only initial time) to format your drive completely but after that you are able to copy an image files your want to your usb storage and to upgrade the ventoy’s system files without re-format the drive.

It is awesome app, almost perfect.
Welcome to use it.

Hope that these issues with Gnome won’t will not delay too long the release of Manjaro 21.1 Pahvo.
I told to a friend of mine to wait the release of Manjaro 21.1 because this one has all the
last versions (softwares, desktop, kernel, …).


no! versions change only with branch (if stable no change after update)

How do you permanently remove mtray from the autostart in 21.1 RC3? Neither in the settings of mtray itself nor in the autostart settings of Plasma it can be deactivated (it appears after the restart there again). Or is the only way to mute it to uninstall it completely?

To understand: mtray does not work for me as thought. It does no more update after the first time. Possibly the reason is because I have the page with the forum open all the time in the browser and also stay logged in. Anyway mtray is useless for me and I don’t want to have it sitting in the tray like this :wink:

matray with a :wink:
autostart is in this package not in kde setting (file in /etc/xdg/autostart/)

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We are preparing another review ISO set to see how ready we are now. So far both Gnome and KDE Maintainers told be we are in good shape …


@philm: If the last review ISO set that you will give us is good, does it mean that we can hope the final release for this week or for the next weekend ? Or the last review ISO will it be the final release ?


yay :slight_smile: got the stable today in the unstable channel

if all works out it should be good. please do a review and report back.


Used the Gnome minimalist ISO in kvm.

Error reported by @Sincide is gone.

Rebooting after install: the layout previews (the wireframes if that is a good name?) where almost impossible to see. After rebooting this behavior was gone, this could be a issue on my end tho.

Pleasantly surprised with the default snapshot when updating.

Layout switcher settings:

Dynamic wallpapaper open button does nothing, starting gnome-layout-switcher reveals the following when pressing the button:

/bin/sh: line 1: dynamic-wallpaper-editor: command not found

Enabling the window tiling option does not appear to do anything, the console reveals:

Extension “” does not exist
Pop-shell was turned on

The tiling option on the layouts enables the material shell.
If the pop-shell will not be supported, the option could be temporarily removed?

Excellent work so far :+1:

That’s a known issue still being worked on.

Install dynamic-wallpaper-editor, it’s an optional dependency.

Install gnome-shell-extension-pop-shell, it’s also an optional dependency.

We were thinking of either creating a prompt to install missing packages or automatically installing them, but haven’t gotten around to it yet.


With Manjaro 21.0.7 XFCE cups daemon is not enabled with installation.
Printing is - I think - standart with every computer system.

Is it possible to enable cups background service with installation ?

just a minor thing @philm (EDIT wrong Mod was Fabby) - for those who are tl;dr the link to the RC in the first paragraph always points to a specific tag, correct would be Releases · manjaro/release-review · GitHub (always showing the newest release-review). Might cause unnecessary confusion and wrong error reports from the hasty :slight_smile: Thanks for all the work!

There are users who don’t want to install a printer. For the ones who do …
Just open a terminal and with a few commands you can configure your printer

sudo pacman -S --noconfirm manjaro-printer;sudo gpasswd -a your username sys
sudo systemctl enable cups.service;sudo systemctl enable cups.socket;sudo systemctl enable cups.path;sudo systemctl enable --now cups.service

Just type print in the menu and you can configure with midori

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In Manjaro 21.0.7 KDE cups service is enabled during installation.

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Like me … I am glad that the minimal.iso is offered, where for me unnecessary stuff is not even installed. Please NEVER give up the minimal ISO! :pray:t2:


Hi team,

I made a fast short test of the live usb Manjaro KDE 21.1 minimal (202108151035). I received a notification error at the start of the desktop:

Matray → Error

“Error occured fetching news: cannot resolve hostname”

Note: I was not connected to the internet (offline).

Tomorrow I will do an installation for testing. :wink:

I have now the 21.1 rc for a while here running. matray I had to disable, however, because the had never updated after the 1.x, ie . the messages, which came immediately after the 1st start, then remained. For me worthless (am anyway constantly logged in here …)

But the normal iso is disabled by default,sure maybe you can disable it in the minimal iso by default but not on the normal iso.

I installed the minimal ISO. matray was easy to remove from the autostart.