I am completely disappointed of Manjaro 20.1 KDE Release.
1.Manjaro 20.1 is incompatible with BIOS (doesn’t boot) only UEFI.
2. Welcome screen doesn’t have info about passwords for root nor user. Password is secret. We don’t have root privalages on Manjaro.
3. Can’t install anything in live nor configure without password when kdesu pops up.
4. Can’t find welcome sceen via menu nor krunner when I close welcome screen- ther’s no such thing as “welcome…” nor “intro…” typing shows absolutely nothing
5. Thunderbird is GTK and not suitable for KDE Plasma (KDE Plasma has integration of KMail and Kontakt and Kalendare and many more integrated apps- its all under “kde-meta-pim” which is missing
in the default installatation. Don’t give KDE user Thunderbird. It doesn;t belong to KDE.
6. KDE Plasma has Elise music player, which is part of default plasma software compilation. Instead we are given deprecated “Cantana” based on QtMPC which hasn’t seen any realease in 10 years (!)- the last one was in 2010 (see menu about… and click link for QtMPC)
7. Qbittorent is external, foreign app. and unnecesserily installed like bloatware. KDE has a long standing KTorrent, actively developed and part of the default kde software compilation. It should be there instead of Qbittorent.
8. Default installation is missing firewall. There’s nothing to chose from as default zone in KDE system tray in “antenna” -->settings —> general–> firewall zone. No service of nftables and firewalld is activated and running. Security is missing
9. Konsole has extremely small fonts (should be “medium” and size 12 at least)
10. Font throughout the system are too small (should be 11 and small 10). Nobody bothered to change then in default installation
11. Repo contains deprecated font format “ttf” the correct one is “OpenType”. Open Type fonts of IBM Pelex are missing.
12. Many user experience problems with VLC (developers use MS Windows), hence many KDE “pros”
use mpv+smplayer (+smtube) which is much more mature and stable on anly Linux Distro (I noticed that Russian hackers and developers that use kde use it, which is in line in mine experience and many good youtubers promoting libre software and Linux.)
13. Libre Office is Missing in the default installation. Version Still should be there.
14. Welcome screen didn’t contain info how to switch and makde LTS kernel the default one.
15. There are no responsiveness and speed optimizations. Udev rules for I/O scheduler are missing (BFQ for spinning drives, noope or none for NVMe or mq-deadline for SSD)
16. No fstrim scheduler is present
17. KDE Plasma default installation is missing QtWebengine based web browser, which is the default browser in KDE software compilation. Its called Falkon.
18. Eveyone is using uBlock Origing. No reason not to include it by default.
19. Icons Only Task Manageris dumb as hell. KDE is not Windows. If I wanted that idiocracy I would use Windows. Its yet another disappointing and unnecessary step to make KDE usefull, ie one more step of many to change Manjaro to be usable.
20. KDE Plasma is compiled with (unlike some other distros -e.g. Gentoo) with “kuser feedback”, which one cannot turn off. All data is still collected (e.g. in: /home/manjaro/.config/kde.org/) regardless of settings. Enough of it has been already said everywhere.
21. KDE panel is misconfigured. Its small and it has “desktop/workspaces/pager” with two “workspaces/desktops” stuck on top of each other on the very narrow panel, which is misconfiguration and should be two, but next to each other because all LCDs are widescreen. No point of cramming to somethething extremely small to to the point of unclickable.
22. Deskotp (right click deskop–>configure) is set to “folder”. There’s no need for “deprecated” desktop folder and have mess on the wallpaper while we have krunner (plasma user know what it is and how to use it. XFCE users don’t) and Home folder. It should be set up as desktop.
23.Clock is misconfigured for USA. USA is not the only country in the world. Everyone els like 99% of the Earth population use 24h clock. PM AM is idiocracy form medieval analog ages when they didn’t have possibility to use 24h clock.
24. Clock in tray is unnecesarrily polluted with short date resaulting (like pager) with crammed stuff, ie clock is even smaller (cramming and polluting - we can just hover or click to see calendar and events, of course you missed to installe kde-pim-meta…)
25. Steam, Not all Linux users are kids. Leave it in the repo. Kids use Windows anyway, so keep Manjaro professional and let the user install games.
26. Not everyone has a printer and even when they do it doesn’t have to be HP (extremely expensive toners). So what is that HP Printer thing doing in Manjaro? How many users have HP Printer? 99% or more don’t. Bloatware.
27. SSH and Avahi. No need for that. If the user wants it they will install it. No need for security holes, ssh-ing someone (ssh client, ssh server,…). Another unnecessary bloatware with potential security risks.
28. Software Token x2- another bloatware. Why do I need it? If I wanted bloatware I would use Windows.
29. AppImage software- why do I need it? Another bloatware and insecure with it. Enough has been said aboiut AppImage security everywhere. Linux is not windows and it uses more secure model of shared libraries (AppImage etc. are like exe and bat for Windows- downloaded from all over the internet- not good). And since Manjaro is Arch based. We got 99% software almost instantaneously (minus Manjaro stale time…). No need for this unsecure app. Anyway one can run AppImage without any additional software and in firejail if they want.
30. There’s “lost and found” menu in Kick-off with some further hp crap. What the hell is lost and found? Did you brake something??
31. Avif plasma-picture-plugin (systemwide) for displaying this type of modern photo compression is missing. There’s no thumb in Dolphin and Gwenview is not displaying them.
32. VAAPi is missing either VLC or mpv ($mpv --hwdec=vaapi --vo=gpu) uses over 30% CPU on Skylyke,
while older computer with Broadwell on Debian 10 Buster, uses 6% cpu (mpv --hwdec=vaapi --vo=gpu/vaapi). 99% laptops are Intel, yet manjaro has broken VAAPi. Hardware decoding=0.
33. Firefox is compiled with less secure clang instead of perfectly good GCC, there’s absolutely no need for clang. Latest GCC is extremely excellent and software runs faster with latest GCC.
34. Font rendering is midiocre. Its missing patched cairo and proper rendering like Infinality with color filtering.