Major Steam problems

OK, after some lockups, I reinstalled. installed steam-native, clicked the icon and it came right up. I had to add my extra Steam folders, and it crashed. Since then, it starts, executes a long disk write, and crashes. I’ve been unable to start steam-native as well as steam-manjaro.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Which are? Sounds like it worked until you did that.

I have a partition on a SSD and an external drive with games.

And, of course, Steam started after my initial post. And crashed again when I tried to add the external drive.


What file system is in use on the external drive? Ext4, NTFS?

Ext4. All my drives use that filesystem. gnome-disks showed it as being error-free.

Maybe create a new library folder on the external drive, then add each game to it one by one from the old library.

Well, I created another folder called “teamapps,” moved the contents of steamapps to it, deleted the empty folder and renamed the new folder. I cannot move apps from one drive to another unless Steam is running, and that remains problematic. :frowning_face:

If you run Steam from the Terminal, is there an error showing at crash?

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Yes, and a .dmp file was submitted. I “solved” my problem by (gulp) deleting .local/share/Steam. Adding the SSD partition works fine. Adding the external drive crashes Steam and renders it unloadable.

And now I have terabytes to redownload.

I formatted the external drive and was able to add it as a Steam folder, and am downloading games to it.

Many hours to go, but stuff happens.

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