Lutris and Final Fantasy 14

I tried to look at the lutris forums about my problem and looking on the internet for my problem, but their doesn’t seem to be an answer.

My problem is this when I choose a data center from the start screen it acts like its going to the character screen but doesn’t. Instead it just shows a black screen with the loading icon on the bottom right of the screen and stays there. I am not sure what I could do to get the game past the loading screen if anything at all.

if by any chance you have the game installed in windows and running all you need to so is locate the files in Documents/My Games/FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn/ copy those files and paste it in lutris(wine) equivalent directory and it should be good to go. At least it worked for me.

Thank you for the reply, unforunately I do not have windows installed to try that out

i am unable to try this myself now but check the FFXIV.cfg file and it might look like this

CutsceneMovieOpening 0

try to change the 0 for a 1. the problem is that the game after you hit start is trying to load the opening cutscene and it gets stuck at that point. Again I am unable to try it at the moment to confirm if this works.

this is my setting in the file and is currently working with lutris

CutsceneMovieVoice 4294967295
CutsceneMovieCaption 4294967295
CutsceneMovieOpening 1

thank you I will give those a try right now

ok let us know if that worked

I didn’t have a FFXIV.cfg file and had to make a new one besides CutscenMovieOpening and using the CutsceneMovieVoice and CutsceneMovieCaption. Is their suppose to be anything else in the file besides those three?

The game is still in stuck infinite loading after choosing data center


GuidVersion	538050324
ConfigVersion	2
Language	1
Region	2

<Network Settings
UPnP	1
Port	55296
LastLogin0	1254111496
LastLogin1	4194327
WorldId	37
ServiceIndex	0

<Display Settings
ScreenLeft	632
ScreenTop	340
ScreenWidth	1280
ScreenHeight	720
ScreenMode	1
FullScreenWidth	2560
FullScreenHeight	1440
Refreshrate	164
Fps	1
AntiAliasing	1
FPSInActive	1
ResoMouseDrag	1
MouseOpeLimit	0
LangSelectSub	0
Gamma	50
UiBaseScale	2
CharaLight	0
UiHighScale	1

<Graphics Settings
TextureFilterQuality	2
TextureAnisotropicQuality	0
Glare	2
DistortionWater	2
DepthOfField	1
RadialBlur	1
Vignetting	1
GrassQuality	2
TranslucentQuality	0
ShadowVisibilityType	2
ShadowSoftShadowType	1
ShadowTextureSizeType	1
ShadowCascadeCountType	2
LodType	1
StreamingType	0
GeneralQuality	1
OcclusionCulling	1
ShadowLOD	1
PhysicsType	1
MapResolution	1
ShadowVisibilityTypeSelf	1
ShadowVisibilityTypeParty	1
ShadowVisibilityTypeOther	1
ShadowVisibilityTypeEnemy	1
PhysicsTypeSelf	2
PhysicsTypeParty	2
PhysicsTypeOther	2
PhysicsTypeEnemy	2
ReflectionType	0
ScreenShotImageType	0

<Sound Settings
IsSoundDisable	0
IsSoundAlways	0
IsSoundBgmAlways	1
IsSoundSeAlways	1
IsSoundVoiceAlways	1
IsSoundSystemAlways	1
IsSoundEnvAlways	1
IsSoundPerformAlways	1

<Font Settings

<GamePad Settings
PadGuid	0
InstanceGuid	{00000000-0000-0000-0000000000000000}
ProductGuid	{00000000-0000-0000-0000000000000000}
DeadArea	0.550000
Alias	{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
AlwaysInput	0
ForceFeedBack	0
PadPovInput	1
PadMode	0
PadAvailable	1
PadReverseConfirmCancel	0
PadSelectButtonIcon	0
PadMouseMode	1
TextPasteEnable	0
WaterWet	1
DisplayObjectLimitType	0
WindowDispNum	1

<Graphics Settings DX11
AntiAliasing_DX11	1
TextureFilterQuality_DX11	2
TextureAnisotropicQuality_DX11	2
Glare_DX11	2
DistortionWater_DX11	2
DepthOfField_DX11	1
RadialBlur_DX11	1
Vignetting_DX11	1
GrassQuality_DX11	3
TranslucentQuality_DX11	1
ShadowSoftShadowType_DX11	1
ShadowTextureSizeType_DX11	2
ShadowCascadeCountType_DX11	2
LodType_DX11	0
OcclusionCulling_DX11	0
ShadowLOD_DX11	0
MapResolution_DX11	1
ShadowVisibilityTypeSelf_DX11	1
ShadowVisibilityTypeParty_DX11	1
ShadowVisibilityTypeOther_DX11	1
ShadowVisibilityTypeEnemy_DX11	1
PhysicsTypeSelf_DX11	2
PhysicsTypeParty_DX11	2
PhysicsTypeOther_DX11	2
PhysicsTypeEnemy_DX11	2
ReflectionType_DX11	3
WaterWet_DX11	1
ParallaxOcclusion_DX11	1
Tessellation_DX11	1
GlareRepresentation_DX11	1
UiSystemEnlarge	0
SoundPadSeType	1
SoundPad	100
IsSoundPad	0
TouchPadMouse	1
TouchPadCursorSpeed	50
TouchPadButtonExtension	0
TouchPadButton_Left	0
TouchPadButton_Right	1
RemotePlayRearTouchpadEnable	1
SupportButtonAutorunEnable	1
R3ButtonWindowScalingEnable	1
AutoAfkSwitchingTime	2
AutoChangeCameraMode	1
AccessibilitySoundVisualEnable	0
AccessibilitySoundVisualDispSize	25
AccessibilitySoundVisualPermeabilityRate	0
AccessibilityColorBlindFilterEnable	0
AccessibilityColorBlindFilterType	0
AccessibilityColorBlindFilterStrength	100

<Mouse Settings
MouseAutoFocus	0

<UI Settings
IdlingCameraAFK	0
MouseSpeed	0.500000
CameraZoom	20000

<Move Operation
BattleEffect	1
BGEffect	1
ColorThemeType	0
SystemMouseOperationSoftOn	0
SystemMouseOperationTrajectory	1
SystemMouseOperationCursorScaling	0
HardwareCursorSize	0
FellowshipShowNewNotice	1

<Cutscene Settings
CutsceneMovieVoice	4294967295
CutsceneMovieCaption	4294967295
CutsceneMovieOpening	1

<SoundPlay Settings
SoundMaster	100
SoundBgm	100
SoundSe	100
SoundVoice	100
SoundEnv	100
SoundSystem	100
SoundPerform	100
SoundPlayer	100
SoundParty	100
SoundOther	100
    IsSndMaster	0
    IsSndBgm	0
    IsSndSe	0
    IsSndVoice	0
    IsSndEnv	0
    IsSndSystem	0
    IsSndPerform	0
    SoundDolby	0
    SoundMicpos	10
    SoundChocobo	1
    SoundFieldBattle	1
    SoundCfTimeCount	1
    SoundHousing	0
    SoundEqualizerType	0

    <GamePad Button Settings
    PadButton_L2	XHB_Left_Start
    PadButton_R2	XHB_Right_Start
    PadButton_L1	Autorun_Support
    PadButton_R1	Hotbar_Set_Change
    PadButton_Triangle	Jump
    PadButton_Circle	Cancel
    PadButton_Cross	Accept
    PadButton_Square	Map_Sub
    PadButton_Select	HUD_Select
    PadButton_Start	MainCommand
    PadButton_LS	Move_Operation
    PadButton_RS	Camera_Operation
    PadButton_L3	Lockon_and_Sword
    PadButton_R3	Camera_Modechange


this is the full cfg file you need to add the > symbol at the beginning of each column that that has the < symbol in it. also my graphics setting might be different to yours you might need to edit that.

Thank you I added those to the cfg. You said to try to move the game files of the game from my games in documents in windows to wine right? I used rclone to connect to my onedrive and did that, but the game is still stuck trying to load into a data center.

I created a zip with all the files i have in that folder, check if something in there works for you

I transferred those files into my installation folder in wine and overwritten when asked. The game still is stuck at the loading screen to enter a data center.