Looking into rsync.net and would like it through and learn other's experience

I am looking at signing up with Cloud Storage for Offsite Backup
This post is preliminary as I get my head around the details, and I’m curious if anyone uses this service, for backup, offsite storage or integrate it with nextcloud.

I ask about nextcloud as I am contemplating installing that on my VPS as well, so those two ideas of cloud storage and nextcloud backup converge.

I have been using timeshift though I’m not finding much value in it, as I’ve had issues with it and it seems easier to simply just reinstall my root partition (my home is a separate partition).

So, is anyone using rsync.net for their own storage purposes, do you just sync to it or integrate it with timeshift/what is your approach?


Hi @thursday_bw,

While I don’t use rsync myself directly, you can use it to copy to any cloud service.

Consider https://rclone.org for remote (Cloud) backups. It’s been quite some time since I set it up, but it works wonders and there are many supported cloud service providers:

Rclone is my go-to for remote backups.


Thanks for this.

rsync.net is a cloud storage service, it’s not ‘rync’. I’ve pretty much settled on using rync.net for my cloud storage.

I was interested in tooling around it… rclone looks worth a look, thanks.

It will be a while before I get nextcloud up and running, so for my purposes I maybe better off just straight up rsyncing my files up as a manual archive/backup procedure.

Thanks for you response

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