Looking for a notepadqq alternative

Every piece of software has it’s own spoils :slight_smile:

When I work with CSS I usually use Webstorm - I have weakness for Jetbrains tools - I use Resharper a lot when working with C# on Windows and Linux using Rider, PyCharm for python.

And you use what you need for the specific task at hand.

The force of sublime text is that it does not contain everything - making the application bloated - but only the functionality you need.


I tried 4 different text editors myself: Notepadqq, sublime-text, atom and Code - OSS.

  • sublime-text is good, but no Open Source.
  • notepadqq does not offer any good plugins, no Auto-Format for HTML, JSON and XML
  • atom is good and offers many different plugins, but it starts slower than other text editors.
  • Code - OSS (Name of VS Code was renamed by Arch Linux) starts fast enough and also has good plugins what I want. It is Open Source, but VS Code is developed by Microsoft.

In the end, Code OSS is clearly a winner for me. I disabled the telemetry in the setting ~/.config/Code - OSS/User/settings.json.

    "telemetry.enableTelemetry": false,
    "telemetry.enableCrashReporter": false,
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You can also use VSCodium for that.

From the website:

These binaries are licensed under the MIT license. Telemetry is disabled.

And it’s available in the AUR:

$ pamac search vscodium
vscodium-git                                                                                                                                                                                          1.55.0.r0.gd8a91cf-1  AUR
Free/Libre Open Source Software Binaries of VSCode (git build from latest commit).
vscodium-bin-marketplace                                                                                                                                                                  [Installed] 1.55.2-1              AUR
Enable vscode marketplace in vscodium-bin
vscodium-bin                                                                                                                                                                              [Installed] 1.55.2-1              AUR
Binary releases of VS Code without MS branding/telemetry/licensing.
vscodium                                                                                                                                                                                              1.55.2-1              AUR
Free/Libre Open Source Software Binaries of VSCode (git build from latest release).
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For 80 USD, you should test sublimetext first. Therefore, thanks for mentioning version 3.

Regarding vscode, the different licenses regarding code and binaries are a bit odd. I always wondered if vscodium is running bug free, or you maybe have to spend much time to get it running, because something on the marketplace api unexpected changed.

I use VSCodim without a problem. It’s built from the Microsoft VS Code repository, just without the telemetry. From the website:

The VSCodium project exists so that you don’t have to download+build from source. This project includes special build scripts that clone Microsoft’s vscode repo, run the build commands, and upload the resulting binaries for you to GitHub releases.

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If an application is good and have decent price then I have absolutely no problems with them keeping the source to themselves.

SublimeHq creates a highly usable product - I will gladly support them.

But I realize that my opinion on the matter is heavily influenced by my background as independent developer - I know how much it takes to make quality software - thousands of hours - of which you get paid for a fraction of it. All the time you need to learn new algorithms and the inevitable bug hunt because the end-user don’t think like you - and therefore do things you didn’t predict in your code.

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Never had this thing working either :sweat_smile: Notepad++ (which is the original inspiration for Notepadqq) was simple, you exit it, then when you restart it, it simply restores the session. I think kate need user interaction of some kind each time before quitting, which kinda defeat the point to me.

That’s why and how I found out about Notepadqq. Looking for something that would work in Linux the way Notepad++ did in Windows. Because, frankly, it worked well for me. It probably won’t anymore, but it did then.

It seems the developer of kate want to use sessions, but in reality it’s overengineered. :confused:

Notepadqq/notepad++ just simply kept all the tabs saved.

Well, if you really want to you can run Notepad++ with WINE. There’s even a snap version.

Yeah, I know. It’s not really what I want though, but if nothing else, I gave it a go.