How manjaro initializes/resets/re-install the system?

I am using windows and manjaro dual systems, and the manjaro installed by the U disk.

Could you please elaborate your query a bit more?

How manjaro initializes/resets/re-install the system?

Like Windows’ “reset this PC”, how to do it

As far as I know, that thing isn’t possible in any linux distro. You have to 1. reinstall Manjaro or 2. Restore an initial snapshot from timeshift. And if you have a separate /home partition, a quick reinstall is the best thing to do.
In case, just the user settings are botched, you can just create a new user which will have the default settings.

ok, thank you

There is no readily available turnkey solution.

You will have to do some manual work. One example is a guide - although from years back - still relevant - but not for the faint of heart :slight_smile:

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Is there a reason why Linux distributions do not have this “Reset” option while Windows and Mac have as this could be a more convenient option than reinstall? (Just curious)

I’m guessing it’s because in Linux not everyone and everything has permission to do whatever they want to, thus messing it up. It’s localized to the user.

Unless of course you do it as root. Which is why it’s not recommended.

I have no idea and your guess may be as good as mine.

Consider the following

  • Windows was born single user - no network
  • macOS use a sort of compartmentalisation and has always been - you are the user - you do not manage the system - hands-off!
  • GNU/Linux is created from scratch with multiuser - with network - with a lot of unix heritage

Due to the permissions schema and the initial use within large university/colleges perhaps even the use of thin terminals - there has never been any need for such reset mechanism.

And the most people asking for it - is coming from - you know where - and they carry all their luggage … with them into Linux - while they could just email the important stuff to the their new system.


It may be considered simpler to do an actual reinstallation rather than resetting a system. Though it is usually only worth if you put /home in a dedicated partition beforehand…

A few distros do have a Repair option in their ISOs, such as OpenSUSE.