Libinput-Gestures doesn't work on Manjaro Gnome

My laptop has an elantech trackpad, the general clicks, taps and two finger scrolls works fine. The three finger and four finger gestures doesn’t seem to work, i’m running x11. I was using wayland before switching to x11, it didn’t work with wayland either.The following is my config file.

# Manual editing might result in data loss!

# Invalid lines

# Unsupported lines

# Swipe threshold (0-100)
swipe_threshold 0

# Gestures
gesture swipe right 3 xdotool key "alt+tab"
gesture swipe left 3 xdotool key "alt+tab"
gesture swipe up 3 xdtool key "ctrl+alt+Down"

On Gnome desktop, you could use the Gestures package. I discover it as gesture-manager-x seems to stop working recently.

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I was using the package Gestures but it did not work for me, but gestures-manager-x worked fine! I had to do the opposite of what you did :joy: :joy:

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