Konsole commands

2 Bee, or not 2 Bee - this is the question.

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It’s no question. That’s how it are.


Enjoy the journey.

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Learning local with man command and point it to a file make it’s easy to make your own Notes:

man test > shellscript.md 
man bash >> shellscript.md && echo "shellscript.md created"

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Sometimes you just want the quick version of a command and move on with your life.
This is where ‘tldr’ comes in. It is a program that lists common commands for programs.
Look at picture for an example: GitHub - tldr-pages/tldr: 📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
It is in Manjaros repo so no need to do anything fancy to get it installed. ‘sudo pacman -S tldr
And then to run it: ‘tldr tar’ , for example. It covers a lot of “normal” use-cases.


It is indeed rare to find Linux commands that offer examples in a user-friendly format. Most man pages focus on syntax with very little attention given to extended usage guidelines for the casual user.

Good find – tldr seems to fill that void admirably.



…from the extra repository:

pamac install tealdeer

(It’s better, IMHO.)

It may well be.

Nonetheless, tldr will likely be the more popular. The great majority will probably gravitate to a command with the least key presses – despite how beneficial any alternative might be.

tldr vs. tealdeer

Of course, a symlink would fix that (as seems already to be implemented).

Good find.

tealdeer is just it’s name. You still use tldr to use it:

$ pamac info tealdeer
Provides              : tldr
$ tldr tldr
Display simple help pages for command-line tools from the tldr-pages project.
Note: the `--language` and `--list` options are not required by the client specification, but most clients implement them.
More information: <https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr/blob/main/CLIENT-SPECIFICATION.md#command-line-interface>.
Print the tldr page for a specific command (hint: this is how you got here!):
tldr command
Print the tldr page for a specific subcommand:
tldr command subcommand
Print the tldr page for a command in the given [L]anguage (if available, otherwise fall back to English):
tldr --language language_code command
Print the tldr page for a command from a specific [p]latform:
tldr --platform android|common|freebsd|linux|osx|netbsd|openbsd|sunos|windows command
[u]pdate the local cache of tldr pages:
tldr --update
List all pages for the current platform and `common`:
tldr --list


And it’s no symlink or alias either:

$ which tldr
$ file `which tldr`
/usr/bin/tldr: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, BuildID[sha1]=abe77faf4b94a7a28a5f2fde5fd9ff9e9a232ffc, for GNU/Linux 4.4.0, stripped
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Tested both with ‘time tldr tar’

“Normal” tldr took 0.05 seconds, tealdeer did it in 0.001 seconds. But at that point, I am fighting the monitor refresh rate =). I am not that fast a reader or typer. But I think I will stick with tealdeer anyway.


I will also; if only by virtue of tealdeer being the last I installed. :wink:

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