Kernel Installs Stuck at Running Build Hook

Hey guys. Trying to install a 6.0 kernel and in all three places it gets hung up on

→ Running build hook: [autodetect]

In package manager, terminal AND the kernel installer GUI

Is there something I need to clear in the system files somewhere in order for it to continue? I’m not that low on disk space (pretty sure).

That’s an unsupported kernel. The lowest supported kernel version in the 6.x kernel family is 6.1, which is an LTS kernel.

Probably, but considering that you’re trying to install an unsupported kernel — from where? — we can only guess about the state of the rest of your system. You’re not providing us with any information at all.

Please see… :point_down:


Edit:- Corrected spelling in Title to improve search results.

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A few command outputs will likely be useful here:

inxi -zv8
mhwd-kernel -li

Please highlight pasted text and click the </> button at the top of the reply window, for each. Cheers!

To find which kernels are currently available:

mhwd-kernel -l

… Keep an eye on e.g. the Stable Announcements section as well Those threads will tell you which Kernels are EOL; note that they can linger in the repos for a short while before they are removed.

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