A few minutes ago my kernel had a BUG / oops and afterwards my touchpad stopped responding. A few minutes later my plasma panel stopped working. Tried restarting it with kwin_wayland --replace which left the laptop in a state that was completely unusable. Didn’t even manage to switch to TTY, had to reboot via REISUB method.
I suspect that the nvidia drivers are at fault. Is that plausible? Should I maybe try nuveau drivers? are those able to handle intel+nvidia dual gpu laptops?
well yes, but I usually prefer to just restart the window manager because it allows me to preserve my open windows…
no, I think you confuse me with somebody. The only changes I applied in my BIOS on this laptop where:
switch strg+fn keys
disable secure-boot
adapt the boot order
this would probably suffice for me in 99.99% of all my use cases, I’m not a gamer and the times I’ve tried to play with CUDA or some GPU benchmarks amount to probably less then 0.01% of the time I’ve used laptops in the last 10 years…
Should I just uninstall the nviida drivers or how should I proceed?