KDE platform updates

i guys! after appx. 4 years of running perfectly, i’m starting to get some issues on my manjaro. i get this bug that is mentioned here, the KDE won’t update on pamac. now things are getting more complicated. i’m getting problems with the mouse and the keyboard. they often disappear and generally are not obeying me. now, yesterday i run bleachbit and cleaned the disc but after i cannot authenticate the add or remove programs app. i running the system on bare metal intel i7 6700k and 32 GB ram. not too old hardware. do you have any idea what’s going on?
i’m not a computer nerd though i’m doing from time to time some “complicated stuff” like installing from script. something i wouldn’t dare doing when i switched to linux. with this situation i’m clueless. i’m a pensioner doing photography with great opnsource software.
anyone has any idea how to deal with this problem. just a few days ago everything run perfectly.

The recommended method of updating any Arch-based distro is

sudo pacman -Syu

Then use pamac to update your AUR packages.


Whenever errors are encountered it is most helpful to include them when seeking support.

Bleachbit can potentially be destructive.
How exactly did you ‘run bleachbit’ ?
What options were used?

Do you happen to have backups?


hanks for the reply. i checked all the boxes that didn’t show any warnings. i’m running timeshift but can’t get to it because there’s no way to authenticate it either. it’s not going to cause any real catatrophe if i’ll have to fresh install. i don’t save anything on the local hardisc/ only double saving on two different external discs so noe real harm if i have satrnt from scratch.

Hi! everything works just fine right now. i managed to use the graphical add or remove software as well. the source of all this mess is that we just moved. in our new home, for some unknown reason, the wireless keyboard started to malfunction. i used the wired keyboard and now switch to a different wireless one and everything works just fine. except that i can’t mount the usb at the rear. if i mount it on any of the rear ports it gives me troubles. i can’t figure out why. i\m running windows on a separate disc on this very machine and i had the same issues there as well. never had it in our old house. maybe there’s a demon living here? is there any software to remove demons?

That is odd, but glad there is at least some light on the problem.
Weird electrical wiring? Ambient moisture? Or …


semi-obligatory joke is joke notice