Making a script with the settings for installing?

Can I make a script with the settings like my root pas & location to install Manjaro (well all the settings the install asks you) & have the installer look at that & get the info?

You want to automate the installation procedure?
I think there are OEM installation media for that purpose - but I’m not sure if or where.

Hi @Edward78,

Look at buildiso:


Also here:

You cannot use an answer file with Calamares.

For different purposes and intents I have written several scripts which - more or less - is defined by variables.

The latest is a script generating a fully encrypted setup

I want to have a user info, storage info, keyboard layout, language & time zone. How I have it now accept the DE.

The first two links contains complete scripts - you just have to mogrify them to suit your use case.

Other places to get a hold on what to do an how to do it

There is no complete script for your specific purpose to consume …

Read the topics and the scripts - you can easily create something workable - even installing a complete desktop …

Cam I rin a command to show how my sys I set up now (Not DE) & run that when I install a new .iso?

For packages - yes.
For config files - not really … it entirely depends on What was configured, and how/where, and which ones you actually want backed up.

Firefox profile? fstab? Locale? Themes? GTK? In HOME or in ROOT? … etc.

See for example

( I mean actually look at the lines of what is copied in the script … its made for KDE configuration to be copied … which entails many locations, listed manually. Also note the package list lines which can be used or copied on any environment )