JDK and JRE Issues not resolving via given solution

Good afternoon,

My system has both jdk and jre packages installed and today’s upgrade has created a conflict as per te info in the latest updates. This has not been resolved y running pacman -Syu jdk-openjdk.
Does this mean I must also uninstal the jre packages?

The first thing you should do is check the announcements, or at least use the search function here on the forum.

The answer is provided:

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Thank you that is where it tells you to manually install jjdk packages. This has not resolved the issue, hence the logical question of what is the next step.


What is the error message?

In my case I did this:

sudo pacman -Sy jdk-openjdk
(said Yes to remove packages in conflict)


sudo pacman -Syu

If you read the stable update announcement thread completely you will see the same solution for it!
Hope it helps!

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We do not need 345 Topics about this. It is announced, there are 3 different scenarios, the solution depends on the scenario. And there are actually mutiple solutions for some of the scenarios, and they are also in the announcement. I marked the announce as a solution.


Guess you haven’t been around long enough. Happy reading! :smiley:

Suggestion in Known issues and solutions to use pacman -Syu jdk-openjdk does not work, hence additional posts advising working pacman and pamac commands

Marking a non-working suggestion as solution is not very helpful
non-readers are confused enough already

I don’t know… If there are 345 topics about this issue, doesn’t it show that there is some problem with the process as a whole? To begin with, it would be extremely helpful if the update announcement simply had more details about what needs to be done, e. g. in form of actually working commands.

As of now people get a generic error message from their package management, hopefully find the update announcement via Google etc., probably try the non-working command still found there, hopefully see that there is a link in the update announcement to a user post which actually shows what needs to be done, and hopefully can resolve this conflict using (for some of them) arcane commands. If one of these steps fails, there will be n+1 topics.

And I’m pretty sure there are some not-so-technical Manjaro users out there, using the GUI tools, too…

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No, it shows people are unable to read.


Working pacman commands:

[Stable Update] 2023-11-13 - #31 by ARSManiac

sudo pacman -Sy jdk-openjdk
(said Yes to remove packages in conflict)
sudo pacman -Syu

Working pamac commands:

[Testing Update] 2023-11-10 #9 by nikgnomic

pamac update failed due to changes in JDK/JRE packages

Error: Failed to prepare transaction:
conflicting dependencies:
- jdk-openjdk and jre-openjdk are in conflict

Resolved by installing jdk-openjdk before updating:

pamac install jdk-openjdk --no-upgrade; pamac update --no-aur

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