Issues with latest manjaro-zsh-config update

Thanks for the details. There are many weird things and I still don’t understand what’s going on.

Do I understand correctly that something has replaced a part of your zshrc with and commented out two aliases? Do you know what could do that?

If I use this zshrc, I get an error (as expected):

/home/test/.zshrc:25: parse error near `\n'

p10k configuration wizard still doesn’t trigger because this error happens after source /usr/share/zsh/manjaro-zsh-prompt.

If p10k configure was saying “zsh: command not found: p10k”, it means you weren’t using Powerlevel10k. I’m quite confused at this point.

What’s that? How did you use it?

Wow. This means /etc/os-release didn’t have “ID=manjaro” in it. Is it possible that your machine is broken in some fundamental low-level way? Edit: This could also happen if your answers to the questions about the font capabilities indicated that the font is missing glyphs for OS logos. This is more likely than /etc/os-release suddenly breaking.

Different terminals can be configured to use different fonts. Apparently your GNOME terminal is using a font without powerline glyphs.

p10k configure adds these lines. This is expected.

This log is very surprising. Specifically, this line:

+/usr/share/zsh/p10k.zsh:1> <sourcetrace>

It’s claiming that /usr/share/zsh/p10k.zsh is being sourced, but that’s a directory on your machine! Directories cannot be sourced.

Let’s try a different tack. Please revert your zshrc to the state where starting zsh automatically triggers p10k configuration wizard. Then run this:

  emulate -L zsh -o err_exit -o xtrace
  builtin cd -q /
  command tar -czf ~/dump.tar.gz --                 \
    usr/share/zsh usr/share/zsh-theme-powerlevel10k \

Attach ~/dump.tar.gz to Improve prompt by romkatv · Pull Request #30 · Chrysostomus/manjaro-zsh-config · GitHub (you can drag and drop files in the edit box) or use a different method for sharing this file.