Is there any way to switch between English and Korean keyboards?

Hi Andy,
I went through this trying to switch English & Japanese. You can do the same with Korean & its quite painless using Fcitx.
Check out the last few posts in the thread linked below.

There are 5 or 6 packages to enable support which you can install easily using Add/Remove software & searching “Fcitx”
You will need Fcitx-hangul instead of Mozc(japanese)
In my OS Settings > Keyboard > input sources, I just have the correct layout for your keyboard,Japanese in my case.


  • manjaro-asian-input-support-fcitx5
  • fcitx5
  • fcitx5-gtk
  • fcitx5-qt
  • fcitx5-hangul
  • fcitx5-configtool

You will find the config tool in your system tools "“Fcti configuration tool” you can enable a topbar icon to quickly change, or use a custom-key.
In the config tool you just need to add Hangul as a 2nd option. As you can see on mine on the left for Japanese.

Screenshot from 2022-01-31 14-07-32


Installing manjaro-asian-input-support-fcitx5 and fcitx5-hangul as an optional dependency and relogin should solve your problem.

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thanks for this i’m installing the packages right now. I’ll let you know how it goes.

My friend found this link Manjaro 한글 입력 설정 | and it worked. it requires installing ibus-hangul instead of the fcitx5 files. its all in korean but all the commands are in english so people who cant read korean shouldnt have an issue following along. Thank you guys for helping out this had me stumped.

For your information. Manjaro has meta package to make things easier. If you want ibus, just install manjaro-asian-input-support-ibus and ibus-hangul, then relogin. You don’t need to set any of the environment variables.

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