Installation finishes with errors

Tried KDE as my main desktop for a few months. Did not work out. So I figured the best way to install Gnome without losing my Windows 10 partition was just to reformat the other partitions which in theory should give me a fresh new Manjaro Gnome install but it finished with errors. The message is:

Installation failed
External command finished with errors.

Command <i>chown</i> finished with exit code 1.
chown: changing ownership of '/home/replica/.bash_logout': Operation not permitted
chown: changing ownership of '/home/replica': Operation not permitted

Weird because I reformatted every partition before installing. Before it looked like this:

winbootmanager   100MiB   FAT32   ==> Untouched
unknown          16MiB    unknown ==> Untouched
windows 10       150GiB   NTFS    ==> Untouched
unknown          530MiB   NTFS    ==> Untouched

boot/efi         512MiB   FAT     ==> Reformat and flag
/root            50GiB    BTRFS   ==> Deleted
/home            50GiB    BTRFS   ==> Deleted
/root            100GiB   BTRFS   ==> New and flagged
backup           700GiB   EXFAT   ==> Deleted
/home            700GiB   EXFAT   ==> New and flagged

This is the full install log:

2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::init()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     Calamares version: 3.3.12 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     .. Using Qt version: 6.8.1 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     .. Build type: Debug 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     .. Using PyBind11 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     .. Using settings: "/etc/calamares/settings.conf" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     .. Using log file: "/home/manjaro/.cache/calamares/session.log" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     .. Languages: QList("ar", "as", "ast", "az", "az_AZ", "be", "bg", "bn", "ca", "ca@valencia", "cs_CZ", "da", "de", "el", "en", "en_GB", "eo", "es", "es_AR", "es_MX", "et", "eu", "fa", "fi_FI", "fr", "fur", "gl", "he", "hi", "hr", "hu", "id", "is", "it_IT", "ja", "ka", "ko", "lt", "ml", "mr", "nb", "nl", "oc", "pl", "pt_BR", "pt_PT", "ro", "ru", "si", "sk", "sl", "sq", "sr", "sr@latin", "sv", "tg", "th", "tr_TR", "uk", "vi", "zh_CN", "zh_TW") 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: bool Calamares::initQmlModulesDir()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     Using Calamares QML directory "/usr/share/calamares/qml" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: Calamares::Branding::Branding(const QString&, QObject*, qreal)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     Using Calamares branding file at "/usr/share/calamares/branding/manjaro/branding.desc" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [2]: Calamares::Branding::Branding(const QString&, QObject*, qreal)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [2]:     WARNING: the branding component "/usr/share/calamares/branding/manjaro" does not ship translations. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: Calamares::Branding::Branding(const QString&, QObject*, qreal)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     Loaded branding component "manjaro" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [2]: bool Calamares::validateStyleEntries(const QMap<QString, QString>&)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [2]:     WARNING: Unknown branding *style* entry "SidebarTextSelect" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [2]: WARNING:     ..  Unknown branding *style* entry "sidebarBackground" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [2]: WARNING:     ..  Unknown branding *style* entry "sidebarText" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [2]: WARNING:     ..  Unknown branding *style* entry "sidebarTextHighlight" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [2]: WARNING:     ..  Unknown branding *style* entry "sidebarTextSelect" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     .. No translation for "tz_" "C" using default (en) 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     .. No translation for "calamares_" "C" using default (en) 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     .. STARTUP: initSettings, initQmlPath, initBranding done 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     .. STARTUP: initModuleManager: module init started 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [2]: static Calamares::ModuleSystem::Descriptor Calamares::ModuleSystem::Descriptor::fromDescriptorData(const QVariantMap&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [2]:     WARNING: Descriptor file "/usr/lib/calamares/modules/servicescfg/module.desc" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [2]: WARNING:     ..  Module descriptor contains extra keys: 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::doInit()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     Found 56 modules 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::initView()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     STARTUP: initModuleManager: all modules init done 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::initView()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     STARTUP: initJobQueue done 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: CalamaresWindow::CalamaresWindow(QWidget*)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     Available desktop QSize(1920, 1048) minimum size QSize(1024, 520) 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     .. Proposed window size: 1024 560 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: QString Calamares::searchQmlFile(QmlSearch, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     Looking for QML for "calamares-sidebar" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/manjaro/calamares-sidebar.qml" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::initView()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     STARTUP: CalamaresWindow created; loadModules started 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: void Config::initLanguages()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     Trying to match locale "C" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: void Config::initLanguages()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     Trying to match locale QLocale(C, Default, Default) 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     .. Trying to match approximate locale QLocale::C 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     .. Trying to match English (US) 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: void Config::setLocaleIndex(int)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     Index 14 Selected locale "en" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     .. Loaded QRC translation "tz_" "en" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     .. Loaded QRC translation "calamares_" "en" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     ViewModule "welcome@welcome" loading complete. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: QStringList loadLocales(const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     Loading locales from "/usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     ..  Read 501 lines 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     ..  After filtering 326 lines 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     ViewModule "locale@locale" loading complete. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: KeyboardModelsModel::KeyboardModelsModel(QObject*)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     Loaded 183 keyboard models 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: KeyboardGroupsSwitchersModel::KeyboardGroupsSwitchersModel(QObject*)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     Loaded 45 keyboard groups 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: KeyboardPage::KeyboardPage(Config*, QWidget*)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     Variants now total= 0 selected= -1 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: KeyboardPage::KeyboardPage(Config*, QWidget*)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     Groups now total= 45 selected= -1 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     .. Loaded QRC translation "kb_" "en" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]: void Config::getCurrentKeyboardLayoutXkb(QString&, QString&, QString&)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:46 [6]:     QList("pc", "us", "inet(evdev)\"") 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     ViewModule "keyboard@keyboard" loading complete. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: Calamares::Partition::InternalManager::InternalManager()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     KPMCore backend starting .. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Loaded backend plugin:  "pmsfdiskbackendplugin"
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     .. Backend @0x5c81cc120160 "pmsfdiskbackendplugin" "1" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [2]: void Config::fillConfigurationFSTypes(const QVariantMap&)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [2]:     WARNING: Partition-module setting *luksGeneration* not found or invalid. Defaulting to luks1. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [2]: virtual void PartitionViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [2]:     WARNING: Partition-module setting *defaultPartitionTableType* is unset, will use gpt for efi or msdos for bios 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     ViewModule "partition@partition" loading complete. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [2]: bool addPasswordCheck(const QString&, const QVariant&, PasswordCheckList&)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [2]:     WARNING: nonempty check is ignored; use minLength: 1 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     ViewModule "users@users" loading complete. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: virtual void Config::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     Using module ID "packagechooser@packagechooser" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: void fillModel(PackageListModel*, const QVariantList&)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     Loading PackageChooser model items from config 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     .. Loaded PackageChooser with 3 entries. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [2]: WARNING (Qt): QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [2]: WARNING (Qt): QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     ViewModule "packagechooser@packagechooser" loading complete. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     ViewModule "summary@summary" loading complete. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::loadModules()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     Module "partition@partition" already loaded. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: Calamares::SlideshowQML::SlideshowQML(QWidget*)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     QML import paths: 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: Calamares::SlideshowQML::SlideshowQML(QWidget*)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     QML load on startup, API 2. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [2]: virtual void MachineIdJob::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [2]:     WARNING: MachineId: configuration setting *symlink* is deprecated, use *dbus-symlink*. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     CppJobModule "machineid@machineid" loading complete. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::loadModules()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     Module "locale@locale" already loaded. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::loadModules()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     Module "keyboard@keyboard" already loaded. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     CppJobModule "luksbootkeyfile@luksbootkeyfile" loading complete. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     CppJobModule "luksopenswaphookcfg@luksopenswaphookcfg" loading complete. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     CppJobModule "initcpio@initcpio" loading complete. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::loadModules()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     Module "users@users" already loaded. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     CppJobModule "umount@umount" loading complete. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [2]: void Config::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [2]:     WARNING: Configuring the finished module with deprecated restartNowEnabled settings 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     ViewModule "finished@finished" loading complete. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: setGeoIP(Config*, const QVariantMap&)::<lambda()>
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     GeoIP result for welcome= "MX" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: void Config::setLocaleIndex(int)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     Index 19 Selected locale "es_MX" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     .. No translation for "tz_" "es_MX" using default (en) 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     .. Loaded QRC translation "calamares_" "es_MX" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: void Calamares::SlideshowQML::loadQmlV2Complete()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     QML component complete, API 2 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [2]: WARNING (Qt): file:///usr/share/calamares/branding/manjaro/slideshow/sponsor/SponsoredBy.qml: No such file or directory
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     .. Loading "/usr/share/calamares/branding/manjaro/slideshow/SlideShow.qml" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     .. No translation for "kb_" "es_MX" using default (en) 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::initViewSteps()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     STARTUP: loadModules for all modules done 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::checkRequirements()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     Checking module requirements .. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::initViewSteps()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     STARTUP: Window now visible and ProgressTreeView populated 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     .. 9 view steps loaded. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     .. No translation for "kb_" "es_MX" using default (en) 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: void Config::applyXkb()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]:     xkbmap selection changed to:  "us" - "" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): getting temp failed for  "/dev/nvme0n1" :  No such file or directory
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): getting powered on time failed for  "/dev/nvme0n1" :  No such file or directory
2025-01-20 - 22:34:47 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): getting power cycles failed for  "/dev/nvme0n1" :  No such file or directory
2025-01-20 - 22:34:48 [2]: WARNING (Qt): unknown file system type  ""  on  "/dev/nvme0n1p2"
2025-01-20 - 22:34:48 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): 39232726 5755388 4096
2025-01-20 - 22:34:48 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): 135679 22734 4096
2025-01-20 - 22:34:48 [6]: Calamares::RequirementsList GeneralRequirements::checkRequirements()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:48 [6]:     GeneralRequirements output: 
     storage :   8482560409 
     enoughStorage :   true 
     RAM :   1073741824 
     enoughRam :   true 
     hasPower :   true 
     hasInternet :   true 
     isRoot :   true 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:48 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:48 [6]:     Got 5 requirement results from "welcome" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:48 [2]: WARNING (Qt): unknown file system type  "dos"  on  "/dev/sda"
2025-01-20 - 22:34:49 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::reportProgress()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:49 [6]:     Remaining modules: 1 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:50 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::reportProgress()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:50 [6]:     Remaining modules: 1 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:51 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::reportProgress()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:51 [6]:     Remaining modules: 1 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [2]: WARNING (Qt): unknown file system type  "dos"  on  "/dev/sdc"
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): smartctl initialization failed for  "/dev/sdd" :  No such file or directory
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): error during smart output parsing for  "/dev/sdd" :  No such file or directory
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [2]: WARNING (Qt): unknown file system type  "dos"  on  "/dev/sdd"
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::reportProgress()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [6]:     Remaining modules: 1 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [6]: QList<Device*> PartUtils::getDevices(DeviceType)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [6]:     Removing unsuitable devices: 5 candidates. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [6]:     .. Running QList("blkid", "/dev/nvme0n1") 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [6]:     .. Running QList("blkid", "/dev/nvme0n1p1") 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [6]:     .. Running QList("blkid", "/dev/nvme0n1p2") 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [6]:     .. Running QList("blkid", "/dev/nvme0n1p3") 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [6]:     .. Running QList("blkid", "/dev/nvme0n1p4") 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [6]:     .. Running QList("blkid", "/dev/nvme0n1p7") 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [6]:     .. Running QList("blkid", "/dev/nvme0n1p5") 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [6]:     .. Running QList("blkid", "/dev/nvme0n1p6") 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [6]:     .. Running QList("blkid", "/dev/nvme0n1p8") 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [6]:     .. Running QList("blkid", "/dev/sda") 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [6]:     .. Running QList("blkid", "/dev/sda1") 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [6]:     .. Running QList("blkid", "/dev/sdb") 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:52 [6]:     .. Running QList("blkid", "/dev/sdb1") 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:53 [6]:     .. Running QList("blkid", "/dev/sdc") 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:53 [6]:     .. Running QList("blkid", "/dev/sdc1") 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:53 [6]:     .. Running QList("blkid", "/dev/sdd") 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:53 [6]:     .. Running QList("blkid", "/dev/sdd1") 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:53 [6]:     .. Running QList("blkid", "/dev/sdd2") 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:53 [6]:     .. there are 5 devices left. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:53 [6]: void PartitionCoreModule::doInit()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:53 [6]:     LIST OF DETECTED DEVICES: 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:53 [6]:     .. node	capacity	name	prettyName 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:53 [6]:     .. "/dev/nvme0n1" 1024209543168 DevName$e300dcc4 DevNamePretty$cf629653 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:53 [6]:     .. "/dev/sda" 2000397852160 DevName$56d786e DevNamePretty$7e5603cc 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:53 [6]:     .. "/dev/sdb" 2000398934016 DevName$c90b656c DevNamePretty$431b5b54 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:53 [6]:     .. "/dev/sdc" 750156374016 DevName$4807a3d9 DevNamePretty$3035ae9e 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:53 [6]:     .. "/dev/sdd" 15500574720 DevName$8e4c439 DevNamePretty$7eb90a91 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:53 [6]:     .. 5 devices detected. 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:53 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::reportProgress()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:53 [6]:     Remaining modules: 1 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:55 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::reportProgress()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:55 [6]:     Remaining modules: 1 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:56 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::reportProgress()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:56 [6]:     Remaining modules: 1 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:57 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::reportProgress()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:57 [6]:     Remaining modules: 1 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:58 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::reportProgress()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:58 [6]:     Remaining modules: 1 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:58 [6]: void Config::setLocaleIndex(int)
2025-01-20 - 22:34:58 [6]:     Index 14 Selected locale "en" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:58 [6]:     .. Loaded QRC translation "tz_" "en" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:58 [6]:     .. Loaded QRC translation "calamares_" "en" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:58 [6]:     .. Loaded QRC translation "kb_" "en" 
2025-01-20 - 22:34:59 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::reportProgress()
2025-01-20 - 22:34:59 [6]:     Remaining modules: 1 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:01 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::reportProgress()
2025-01-20 - 22:35:01 [6]:     Remaining modules: 1 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::reportProgress()
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     Remaining modules: 1 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     .. Running QList("blkid", "-s", "TYPE", "-o", "value", "/dev/nvme0n1p1") 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]: FstabEntryList PartUtils::lookForFstabEntries(const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     Checking device "/dev/nvme0n1p1" for fstab (fs= "vfat" ) 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     .. Running QList("mount", "-o", "ro", "/dev/nvme0n1p1", "/tmp/calamares-tFkNez") 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [2]: FstabEntryList PartUtils::lookForFstabEntries(const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [2]:     WARNING: Could not read fstab from mounted fs 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     .. Running QList("umount", "-R", "/tmp/calamares-tFkNez") 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]: bool PartUtils::canBeResized(Partition*, const Logger::Once&)
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     Can not resize "/dev/nvme0n1p1" , filesystem "fat32" does not support resize. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  os-prober lines after cleanup: 
     "/dev/nvme0n1p1@/efi/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi:Windows Boot Manager:Windows:efi" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [2]: WARNING (Qt): beginResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling endResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [2]: WARNING (Qt): endResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling beginResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]: void PartitionCoreModule::scanForEfiSystemPartitions()
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     system is EFI and new EFI system partition has been found. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*)
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     Got 1 requirement results from "partition" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [2]: void ChoicePage::updateActionDescriptionsTr()
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [2]:     WARNING: Invalid osprober count, labels and buttons not updated. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]: void ChoicePage::updateDeviceStatePreview()
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     Updating partitioning state widgets. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]: void ChoicePage::setupActions()
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     Setting up actions for "/dev/nvme0n1" with 1 entries. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  Can not resize "/dev/nvme0n1p1" , filesystem "fat32" does not support resize. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  Checking if "/dev/nvme0n1p1" can be replaced. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  NO, insufficient storage 
     Required  storage B: 9019431321 "(7.9GiB)" 
     Available storage B: 104857600 "(0GiB)" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  Can not resize "/dev/nvme0n1p2" , filesystem "unknown" does not support resize. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  Checking if "/dev/nvme0n1p2" can be replaced. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  NO, insufficient storage 
     Required  storage B: 9019431321 "(7.9GiB)" 
     Available storage B: 16777216 "(0GiB)" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  Partition "/dev/nvme0n1p3" authorized for resize + autopartition install. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     .. contains resizable "/dev/nvme0n1p3" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  Checking if "/dev/nvme0n1p3" can be replaced. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  Partition "/dev/nvme0n1p3" authorized for replace install. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     .. contains replaceable "/dev/nvme0n1p3" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  NO, insufficient storage 
     Required  storage B: 11166914969 "(10.4GiB)" 
     Available storage B: 93122560 "(0GiB)" for "/dev/nvme0n1p4" length: 1085440 sectorsUsed: 903560 fsType: "ntfs" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  Checking if "/dev/nvme0n1p4" can be replaced. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  NO, insufficient storage 
     Required  storage B: 9019431321 "(7.9GiB)" 
     Available storage B: 555745280 "(0GiB)" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  Can not resize "/dev/nvme0n1p7" , filesystem "fat32" does not support resize. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  Checking if "/dev/nvme0n1p7" can be replaced. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  NO, insufficient storage 
     Required  storage B: 9019431321 "(7.9GiB)" 
     Available storage B: 536870912 "(0GiB)" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  NO, insufficient storage 
     Required  storage B: 11166914969 "(10.4GiB)" 
     Available storage B: 13631488 "(0GiB)" for "/dev/nvme0n1p5" length: 104857600 sectorsUsed: 104830976 fsType: "btrfs" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  Checking if "/dev/nvme0n1p5" can be replaced. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  Partition "/dev/nvme0n1p5" authorized for replace install. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     .. contains replaceable "/dev/nvme0n1p5" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  NO, insufficient storage 
     Required  storage B: 11166914969 "(10.4GiB)" 
     Available storage B: 6508511232 "(6GiB)" for "/dev/nvme0n1p6" length: 105060352 sectorsUsed: 92348416 fsType: "btrfs" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  Checking if "/dev/nvme0n1p6" can be replaced. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  Partition "/dev/nvme0n1p6" authorized for replace install. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     .. contains replaceable "/dev/nvme0n1p6" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  Can not resize "/dev/nvme0n1p8" , filesystem "exfat" does not support resize. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  Checking if "/dev/nvme0n1p8" can be replaced. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     ..  Partition "/dev/nvme0n1p8" authorized for replace install. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     .. contains replaceable "/dev/nvme0n1p8" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]: void ChoicePage::updateActionDescriptionsTr()
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     Setting texts for 1 non-empty osprober entry 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]: void ChoicePage::continueApplyDeviceChoice()
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     Previous device -1 new device 0 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]: void ChoicePage::applyActionChoice(InstallChoice)
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     InstallChoice Config::Erase "erase" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]: PartitionTable* CreatePartitionTableJob::createTable()
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     CreatePartitionTableJob::createTable trying to make table for device "/dev/nvme0n1" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [2]: WARNING (Qt): beginResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling endResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [2]: WARNING (Qt): endResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling beginResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::finished()
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     All requirements have been checked. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsModel::describe() const
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     Requirements model has 6 items 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     .. requirement 0 "storage" satisfied? true mandatory? true 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     .. requirement 1 "ram" satisfied? true mandatory? true 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     .. requirement 2 "power" satisfied? true mandatory? false 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     .. requirement 3 "internet" satisfied? true mandatory? false 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     .. requirement 4 "root" satisfied? true mandatory? true 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:02 [6]:     .. requirement 5 "partitions" satisfied? true mandatory? true 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:03 [2]: WARNING (Qt): beginResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling endResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 22:35:03 [2]: WARNING (Qt): endResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling beginResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 22:35:03 [2]: WARNING (Qt): beginResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling endResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 22:35:03 [2]: WARNING (Qt): endResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling beginResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 22:35:03 [6]: void PartitionCoreModule::dumpQueue() const
2025-01-20 - 22:35:03 [6]:     # Queue: 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:03 [6]:     .. ## Device: "/dev/nvme0n1" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:03 [6]:     .. - CreatePartitionTableJob 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:03 [6]:     .. - CreatePartitionJob 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:03 [6]:     .. - SetPartFlagsJob 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:03 [6]:     .. - CreatePartitionJob 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:03 [6]:     .. ## Device: "/dev/sda" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:03 [6]:     .. ## Device: "/dev/sdb" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:03 [6]:     .. ## Device: "/dev/sdc" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:03 [6]:     .. ## Device: "/dev/sdd" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:03 [6]: void ChoicePage::updateActionChoicePreview(InstallChoice)
2025-01-20 - 22:35:03 [6]:     Updating partitioning preview widgets. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:06 [6]: static LocaleConfiguration LocaleConfiguration::fromLanguageAndLocation(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 22:35:06 [6]:     Mapping "en" in "MX" to locale. 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:06 [6]:     .. Got best match for "en" as "en_AU.UTF-8" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:06 [6]:     .. Got best match for "en_MX" as "en_AG" 
2025-01-20 - 22:35:06 [6]:     .. Got best match for "en_US" as "en_US.UTF-8" 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:06 [6]: static LocaleConfiguration LocaleConfiguration::fromLanguageAndLocation(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:35:06 [6]:     Mapping "en" in "MX" to locale. 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:06 [6]:     .. Got best match for "en" as "en_AU.UTF-8" 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:06 [6]:     .. Got best match for "en_MX" as "en_AG" 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:06 [6]:     .. Got best match for "en_US" as "en_US.UTF-8" 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:06 [6]: static LocaleConfiguration LocaleConfiguration::fromLanguageAndLocation(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:35:06 [6]:     Mapping "en" in "MX" to locale. 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:06 [6]:     .. Got best match for "en" as "en_AU.UTF-8" 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:06 [6]:     .. Got best match for "en_MX" as "en_AG" 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:06 [6]:     .. Got best match for "en_US" as "en_US.UTF-8" 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:09 [6]: void Config::guessLocaleKeyboardLayout()
2025-01-20 - 16:35:09 [6]:     Got locale language "en_US.UTF-8" 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:09 [6]:     .. looking for locale part "US" 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:09 [6]:     .. matched "us" 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:09 [6]: void guessLayout(const QStringList&, KeyboardLayoutModel*, KeyboardVariantsModel*)
2025-01-20 - 16:35:09 [6]:     Next level: "en" 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:32 [6]: PartitionBarsView::PartitionBarsView(QWidget*)::<lambda(const QModelIndex&)>
2025-01-20 - 16:35:32 [6]:     Clicked row 4 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:33 [6]: PartitionBarsView::PartitionBarsView(QWidget*)::<lambda(const QModelIndex&)>
2025-01-20 - 16:35:33 [6]:     Clicked row 5 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:36 [6]: void ChoicePage::applyActionChoice(InstallChoice)
2025-01-20 - 16:35:36 [6]:     InstallChoice Config::Manual "manual" 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:36 [6]: void ChoicePage::updateActionChoicePreview(InstallChoice)
2025-01-20 - 16:35:36 [6]:     Updating partitioning preview widgets. 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:39 [6]: PartitionBarsView::PartitionBarsView(QWidget*)::<lambda(const QModelIndex&)>
2025-01-20 - 16:35:39 [6]:     Clicked row 6 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:41 [2]: WARNING (Qt): beginResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling endResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:35:41 [2]: WARNING (Qt): endResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling beginResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:35:41 [6]: void Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader(QComboBox&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:35:41 [6]:     No path to restore, choosing default 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:41 [6]: virtual void PartitionViewStep::next()
2025-01-20 - 16:35:41 [6]:     Choice applied:  Config::Manual 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:41 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): getting temp failed for  "/dev/nvme0n1" :  No such file or directory
2025-01-20 - 16:35:41 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): getting powered on time failed for  "/dev/nvme0n1" :  No such file or directory
2025-01-20 - 16:35:41 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): getting power cycles failed for  "/dev/nvme0n1" :  No such file or directory
2025-01-20 - 16:35:41 [2]: WARNING (Qt): unknown file system type  ""  on  "/dev/nvme0n1p2"
2025-01-20 - 16:35:41 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): 39232726 5755388 4096
2025-01-20 - 16:35:41 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): 135679 22734 4096
2025-01-20 - 16:35:42 [2]: WARNING (Qt): beginResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling endResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:35:42 [2]: WARNING (Qt): endResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling beginResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:35:42 [6]: void Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader(QComboBox&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:35:42 [6]:     No path to restore, choosing default 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:42 [2]: WARNING (Qt): unknown file system type  "dos"  on  "/dev/sda"
2025-01-20 - 16:35:42 [2]: WARNING (Qt): beginResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling endResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:35:42 [2]: WARNING (Qt): endResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling beginResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:35:42 [6]: void Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader(QComboBox&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:35:42 [6]:     No path to restore, choosing default 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:43 [2]: WARNING (Qt): beginResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling endResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:35:43 [2]: WARNING (Qt): endResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling beginResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:35:43 [6]: void Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader(QComboBox&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:35:43 [6]:     No path to restore, choosing default 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:45 [2]: WARNING (Qt): unknown file system type  "dos"  on  "/dev/sdc"
2025-01-20 - 16:35:45 [2]: WARNING (Qt): beginResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling endResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:35:45 [2]: WARNING (Qt): endResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling beginResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:35:45 [6]: void Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader(QComboBox&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:35:45 [6]:     No path to restore, choosing default 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:45 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): smartctl initialization failed for  "/dev/sdd" :  No such file or directory
2025-01-20 - 16:35:45 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): error during smart output parsing for  "/dev/sdd" :  No such file or directory
2025-01-20 - 16:35:45 [2]: WARNING (Qt): unknown file system type  "dos"  on  "/dev/sdd"
2025-01-20 - 16:35:45 [2]: WARNING (Qt): beginResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling endResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:35:45 [2]: WARNING (Qt): endResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling beginResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:35:45 [2]: WARNING (Qt): beginResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling endResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:35:45 [2]: WARNING (Qt): endResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling beginResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:35:45 [6]: void Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader(QComboBox&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:35:45 [6]:     No path to restore, choosing default 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:45 [6]: void Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader(QComboBox&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:35:45 [6]:     No path to restore, choosing default 
2025-01-20 - 16:35:45 [2]: WARNING (Qt): QBasicTimer::start: Timers cannot be started from another thread
2025-01-20 - 16:35:45 [2]: WARNING (Qt): QBasicTimer::start: Timers cannot be started from another thread
2025-01-20 - 16:35:45 [2]: WARNING (Qt): QBasicTimer::start: Timers cannot be started from another thread
2025-01-20 - 16:35:54 [6]: PartitionBarsView::PartitionBarsView(QWidget*)::<lambda(const QModelIndex&)>
2025-01-20 - 16:35:54 [6]:     Clicked row 4 
2025-01-20 - 16:37:14 [6]: void EditExistingPartitionDialog::applyChanges(PartitionCoreModule*)
2025-01-20 - 16:37:14 [6]:     "/dev/nvme0n1p7" format? false label= "" mount= "" 
2025-01-20 - 16:37:14 [2]: WARNING (Qt): beginResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling endResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:37:14 [2]: WARNING (Qt): endResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling beginResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:37:14 [6]: void Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader(QComboBox&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:37:14 [6]:     No path to restore, choosing default 
2025-01-20 - 16:38:02 [6]: void EditExistingPartitionDialog::applyChanges(PartitionCoreModule*)
2025-01-20 - 16:38:02 [6]:     "/dev/nvme0n1p7" format? true label= "" mount= "/boot" 
2025-01-20 - 16:38:02 [2]: WARNING (Qt): beginResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling endResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:38:02 [2]: WARNING (Qt): endResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling beginResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:38:02 [6]: void Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader(QComboBox&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:38:02 [6]:     No path to restore, choosing default 
2025-01-20 - 16:38:14 [2]: WARNING (Qt): beginResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling endResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:38:14 [2]: WARNING (Qt): endResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling beginResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:38:14 [6]: void Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader(QComboBox&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:38:14 [6]:     No path to restore, choosing default 
2025-01-20 - 16:38:20 [2]: WARNING (Qt): beginResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling endResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:38:20 [2]: WARNING (Qt): endResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling beginResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:38:20 [6]: void Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader(QComboBox&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:38:20 [6]:     No path to restore, choosing default 
2025-01-20 - 16:39:10 [2]: WARNING (Qt): beginResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling endResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:39:10 [2]: WARNING (Qt): endResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling beginResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:39:10 [6]: void Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader(QComboBox&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:39:10 [6]:     No path to restore, choosing default 
2025-01-20 - 16:39:41 [6]: void EditExistingPartitionDialog::applyChanges(PartitionCoreModule*)
2025-01-20 - 16:39:41 [6]:     "/dev/nvme0n1p8" format? true label= "home" mount= "/home" 
2025-01-20 - 16:39:41 [2]: WARNING (Qt): beginResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling endResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:39:41 [2]: WARNING (Qt): endResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling beginResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:39:41 [6]: void Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader(QComboBox&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:39:41 [6]:     No path to restore, choosing default 
2025-01-20 - 16:39:41 [2]: WARNING (Qt): beginResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling endResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:39:41 [2]: WARNING (Qt): endResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling beginResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:39:41 [6]: void Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader(QComboBox&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:39:41 [6]:     No path to restore, choosing default 
2025-01-20 - 16:39:50 [6]: virtual void PartitionViewStep::onLeave()
2025-01-20 - 16:39:50 [6]:     No ESP mounted 
2025-01-20 - 16:40:25 [6]: void EditExistingPartitionDialog::applyChanges(PartitionCoreModule*)
2025-01-20 - 16:40:25 [6]:     "/dev/nvme0n1p7" format? true label= "" mount= "/boot/efi" 
2025-01-20 - 16:40:25 [2]: WARNING (Qt): beginResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling endResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:40:25 [2]: WARNING (Qt): endResetModel called on BootLoaderModel(0x5c81cc18cd40) without calling beginResetModel first
2025-01-20 - 16:40:25 [6]: void Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader(QComboBox&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:40:25 [6]:     No path to restore, choosing default 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]: void Config::updateGlobalStorage(const QStringList&) const
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     "packagechooser@packagechooser" selected "" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [2]: WARNING (Qt): QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]: virtual QString PartitionViewStep::prettyStatus() const
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     Summary for Partition 1 Config::Manual 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]: QStringList findEssentialLVs(const QList<PartitionCoreModule::DeviceInfo*>&)
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     Checking LVM use on 5 devices 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]: QVariantList FillGlobalStorageJob::createPartitionList() const
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     Building partition information map 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     .. partitions on "/dev/nvme0n1" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p1" "/dev/nvme0n1p1" 
     partlabel :   "EFI system partition" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$cdfbab1" 
     parttype :   "C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B" 
     partattrs :   "9223372036854775808" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "fat32" 
     fsName :   "fat32" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$50214957" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p2" "/dev/nvme0n1p2" 
     partlabel :   "Microsoft reserved partition" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$4ec9fb73" 
     parttype :   "E3C9E316-0B5C-4DB8-817D-F92DF00215AE" 
     partattrs :   "9223372036854775808" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "unknown" 
     fsName :   "unknown" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$bcf13c3c" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p3" "/dev/nvme0n1p3" 
     partlabel :   "Basic data partition" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$128ab26b" 
     parttype :   "EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "ntfs" 
     fsName :   "ntfs" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$f0f12ffb" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p4" "/dev/nvme0n1p4" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$d61016b9" 
     parttype :   "DE94BBA4-06D1-4D40-A16A-BFD50179D6AC" 
     partattrs :   "9223372036854775809" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "ntfs" 
     fsName :   "ntfs" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$543d9142" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p7" "/dev/nvme0n1p7" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$4e91378f" 
     parttype :   "C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "/boot/efi" 
     fs: :   "fat32" 
     fsName :   "fat32" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$a3a49bf" 
     claimed :   "true" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "" "New Partition" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$487c6bde" 
     parttype :   "" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "/" 
     fs: :   "btrfs" 
     fsName :   "btrfs" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$bcf13c3c" 
     claimed :   "true" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p8" "/dev/nvme0n1p8" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$c4341b43" 
     parttype :   "EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "/home" 
     fs: :   "exfat" 
     fsName :   "exfat" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$59b73077" 
     claimed :   "true" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     .. partitions on "/dev/sda" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/sda1" "/dev/sda1" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$487c6bde" 
     parttype :   "" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "exfat" 
     fsName :   "exfat" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$6e6e0341" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     .. partitions on "/dev/sdb" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/sdb1" "/dev/sdb1" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$ebf3ceae" 
     parttype :   "0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "ext4" 
     fsName :   "ext4" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$322cdc1f" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     .. partitions on "/dev/sdc" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/sdc1" "/dev/sdc1" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$487c6bde" 
     parttype :   "" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "exfat" 
     fsName :   "exfat" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$4a4db5ca" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     .. partitions on "/dev/sdd" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/sdd1" "/dev/sdd1" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$487c6bde" 
     parttype :   "" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "exfat" 
     fsName :   "exfat" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$4777b179" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/sdd2" "/dev/sdd2" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$487c6bde" 
     parttype :   "" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "fat16" 
     fsName :   "fat16" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$3234f3be" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [2]: WARNING (Qt): QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [2]: WARNING (Qt): QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]: QStringList findEssentialLVs(const QList<PartitionCoreModule::DeviceInfo*>&)
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     Checking LVM use on 5 devices 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]: QVariantList FillGlobalStorageJob::createPartitionList() const
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     Building partition information map 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     .. partitions on "/dev/nvme0n1" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p1" "/dev/nvme0n1p1" 
     partlabel :   "EFI system partition" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$cdfbab1" 
     parttype :   "C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B" 
     partattrs :   "9223372036854775808" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "fat32" 
     fsName :   "fat32" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$50214957" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p2" "/dev/nvme0n1p2" 
     partlabel :   "Microsoft reserved partition" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$4ec9fb73" 
     parttype :   "E3C9E316-0B5C-4DB8-817D-F92DF00215AE" 
     partattrs :   "9223372036854775808" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "unknown" 
     fsName :   "unknown" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$bcf13c3c" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p3" "/dev/nvme0n1p3" 
     partlabel :   "Basic data partition" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$128ab26b" 
     parttype :   "EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "ntfs" 
     fsName :   "ntfs" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$f0f12ffb" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p4" "/dev/nvme0n1p4" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$d61016b9" 
     parttype :   "DE94BBA4-06D1-4D40-A16A-BFD50179D6AC" 
     partattrs :   "9223372036854775809" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "ntfs" 
     fsName :   "ntfs" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$543d9142" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p7" "/dev/nvme0n1p7" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$4e91378f" 
     parttype :   "C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "/boot/efi" 
     fs: :   "fat32" 
     fsName :   "fat32" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$a3a49bf" 
     claimed :   "true" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "" "New Partition" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$487c6bde" 
     parttype :   "" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "/" 
     fs: :   "btrfs" 
     fsName :   "btrfs" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$bcf13c3c" 
     claimed :   "true" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p8" "/dev/nvme0n1p8" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$c4341b43" 
     parttype :   "EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "/home" 
     fs: :   "exfat" 
     fsName :   "exfat" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$59b73077" 
     claimed :   "true" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     .. partitions on "/dev/sda" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/sda1" "/dev/sda1" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$487c6bde" 
     parttype :   "" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "exfat" 
     fsName :   "exfat" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$6e6e0341" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     .. partitions on "/dev/sdb" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/sdb1" "/dev/sdb1" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$ebf3ceae" 
     parttype :   "0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "ext4" 
     fsName :   "ext4" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$322cdc1f" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     .. partitions on "/dev/sdc" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/sdc1" "/dev/sdc1" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$487c6bde" 
     parttype :   "" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "exfat" 
     fsName :   "exfat" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$4a4db5ca" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     .. partitions on "/dev/sdd" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/sdd1" "/dev/sdd1" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$487c6bde" 
     parttype :   "" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "exfat" 
     fsName :   "exfat" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$4777b179" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:17 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/sdd2" "/dev/sdd2" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$487c6bde" 
     parttype :   "" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "fat16" 
     fsName :   "fat16" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$3234f3be" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]: QStringList findEssentialLVs(const QList<PartitionCoreModule::DeviceInfo*>&)
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     Checking LVM use on 5 devices 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]: void Calamares::JobThread::finalize()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     There are 38 jobs, total weight 33 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 1 "Managing auto-mount settings…" +wt 0.0833333 tot.wt 0.0833333 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 2 "Clearing all temporary mounts…" +wt 0.0833333 tot.wt 0.166667 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 3 "Clear mounts for partitioning operations on /dev/nvme0n1" +wt 0.0833333 tot.wt 0.25 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 4 "Deleting partition /dev/nvme0n1p6…" +wt 0.0833333 tot.wt 0.333333 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 5 "Deleting partition /dev/nvme0n1p5…" +wt 0.0833333 tot.wt 0.416667 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 6 "Create new 102499MiB partition on /dev/nvme0n1 (ADATA LEGEND 850)" +wt 0.0833333 tot.wt 0.5 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 7 "Set flags on 102499MiB btrfs partition" +wt 0.0833333 tot.wt 0.583333 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 8 "Format partition /dev/nvme0n1p8 (file system: exfat, size: 719851 MiB) on ADATA LEGEND 850" +wt 0.0833333 tot.wt 0.666667 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 9 "Set filesystem label on /dev/nvme0n1p8" +wt 0.0833333 tot.wt 0.75 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 10 "Format partition /dev/nvme0n1p7 (file system: fat32, size: 512 MiB) on ADATA LEGEND 850" +wt 0.0833333 tot.wt 0.833333 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 11 "Set partition information" +wt 0.0833333 tot.wt 0.916667 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 12 "Managing auto-mount settings…" +wt 0.0833333 tot.wt 1 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 13 "mount" +wt 1 tot.wt 2 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 14 "unpackfs" +wt 12 tot.wt 14 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 15 "networkcfg" +wt 1 tot.wt 15 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 16 "Generate machine-id." +wt 1 tot.wt 16 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 17 "Setting timezone to America/Mexico_City…" +wt 1 tot.wt 17 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 18 "Setting keyboard model to pc105, layout as us-…" +wt 1 tot.wt 18 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 19 "localecfg" +wt 1 tot.wt 19 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 20 "Configuring LUKS key file." +wt 1 tot.wt 20 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 21 "Configuring encrypted swap." +wt 1 tot.wt 21 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 22 "fstab" +wt 1 tot.wt 22 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 23 "initcpiocfg" +wt 1 tot.wt 23 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 24 "Creating initramfs with mkinitcpio…" +wt 1 tot.wt 24 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 25 "Configuring <pre>sudo</pre> users…" +wt 0.166667 tot.wt 24.1667 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 26 "Preparing groups…" +wt 0.166667 tot.wt 24.3333 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 27 "Create user replica" +wt 0.166667 tot.wt 24.5 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 28 "Set password for user replica" +wt 0.166667 tot.wt 24.6667 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 29 "Set password for user root" +wt 0.166667 tot.wt 24.8333 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 30 "Set hostname imitation" +wt 0.166667 tot.wt 25 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 31 "displaymanager" +wt 1 tot.wt 26 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 32 "mhwdcfg" +wt 1 tot.wt 27 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 33 "hwclock" +wt 1 tot.wt 28 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 34 "services" +wt 1 tot.wt 29 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 35 "grubcfg" +wt 1 tot.wt 30 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 36 "bootloader" +wt 1 tot.wt 31 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 37 "postcfg" +wt 1 tot.wt 32 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     .. Job 38 "Unmounting file systems…" +wt 1 tot.wt 33 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     Starting job "Managing auto-mount settings…" ( 1 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult AutoMountManagementJob::exec()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     Set automount to disable 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]: void Calamares::Partition::querySolidAutoMount(QDBusConnection&, AutoMountInfo&)
2025-01-20 - 16:44:41 [6]:     Solid not available: "Not connected to D-Bus server" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:42 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:42 [6]:     Starting job "Clearing all temporary mounts…" ( 2 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:42 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:42 [6]:     Starting job "Clear mounts for partitioning operations on /dev/nvme0n1" ( 3 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:42 [6]: QStringList getPartitionsForDevice(const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:44:42 [6]:     Reading from "/proc/partitions" looking for "nvme0n1" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:42 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult ClearMountsJob::exec()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:42 [6]:     ClearMountsJob finished. Here's what was done: 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:42 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:42 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:42 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:42 [6]:     Starting job "Deleting partition /dev/nvme0n1p6…" ( 4 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:44 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:44 [6]:     Starting job "Deleting partition /dev/nvme0n1p5…" ( 5 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:47 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:47 [6]:     Starting job "Create new 102499MiB partition on /dev/nvme0n1 (ADATA LEGEND 850)" ( 6 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:52 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:52 [6]:     Starting job "Set flags on partition /dev/nvme0n1p5" ( 7 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:52 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult SetPartFlagsJob::exec()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:52 [6]:     Setting flags on "/dev/nvme0n1" partition "/dev/nvme0n1p5" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:53 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:53 [6]:     Starting job "Format partition /dev/nvme0n1p8 (file system: exfat, size: 719851 MiB) on ADATA LEGEND 850" ( 8 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:55 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:55 [6]:     Starting job "Set filesystem label on /dev/nvme0n1p8" ( 9 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:56 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:56 [6]:     Starting job "Format partition /dev/nvme0n1p7 (file system: fat32, size: 512 MiB) on ADATA LEGEND 850" ( 10 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     Starting job "Set partition information" ( 11 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]: QVariantList FillGlobalStorageJob::createPartitionList() const
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     Building partition information map 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. partitions on "/dev/nvme0n1" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p1" "/dev/nvme0n1p1" 
     partlabel :   "EFI system partition" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$cdfbab1" 
     parttype :   "C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B" 
     partattrs :   "9223372036854775808" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "fat32" 
     fsName :   "fat32" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$50214957" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p2" "/dev/nvme0n1p2" 
     partlabel :   "Microsoft reserved partition" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$4ec9fb73" 
     parttype :   "E3C9E316-0B5C-4DB8-817D-F92DF00215AE" 
     partattrs :   "9223372036854775808" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "unknown" 
     fsName :   "unknown" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$bcf13c3c" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p3" "/dev/nvme0n1p3" 
     partlabel :   "Basic data partition" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$128ab26b" 
     parttype :   "EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "ntfs" 
     fsName :   "ntfs" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$f0f12ffb" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p4" "/dev/nvme0n1p4" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$d61016b9" 
     parttype :   "DE94BBA4-06D1-4D40-A16A-BFD50179D6AC" 
     partattrs :   "9223372036854775809" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "ntfs" 
     fsName :   "ntfs" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$543d9142" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p7" "/dev/nvme0n1p7" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$4e91378f" 
     parttype :   "C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "/boot/efi" 
     fs: :   "fat32" 
     fsName :   "fat32" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$fd199137" 
     claimed :   "true" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p5" "/dev/nvme0n1p5" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$487c6bde" 
     parttype :   "" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "/" 
     fs: :   "btrfs" 
     fsName :   "btrfs" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$19093f78" 
     claimed :   "true" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p8" "/dev/nvme0n1p8" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$c4341b43" 
     parttype :   "EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "/home" 
     fs: :   "exfat" 
     fsName :   "exfat" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$2e26ab89" 
     claimed :   "true" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. partitions on "/dev/sda" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/sda1" "/dev/sda1" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$487c6bde" 
     parttype :   "" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "exfat" 
     fsName :   "exfat" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$6e6e0341" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. partitions on "/dev/sdb" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/sdb1" "/dev/sdb1" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$ebf3ceae" 
     parttype :   "0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "ext4" 
     fsName :   "ext4" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$322cdc1f" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. partitions on "/dev/sdc" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/sdc1" "/dev/sdc1" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$487c6bde" 
     parttype :   "" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "exfat" 
     fsName :   "exfat" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$4a4db5ca" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. partitions on "/dev/sdd" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/sdd1" "/dev/sdd1" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$487c6bde" 
     parttype :   "" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "exfat" 
     fsName :   "exfat" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$4777b179" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     ..  mapping for "/dev/sdd2" "/dev/sdd2" 
     partlabel :   "" 
     partition-uuid (partuuid) :   "PartUUID$487c6bde" 
     parttype :   "" 
     partattrs :   "0" 
     mountPoint: :   "" 
     fs: :   "fat16" 
     fsName :   "fat16" 
     filesystem-uuid (uuid) :   "FSUUID$3234f3be" 
     claimed :   "false" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult FillGlobalStorageJob::exec()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     Saving partition information map to GlobalStorage["partitions"] 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult FillGlobalStorageJob::exec()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     FillGlobalStorageJob writing empty bootLoader value 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     Starting job "Managing auto-mount settings…" ( 12 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult AutoMountManagementJob::exec()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     Restore automount settings 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     Starting job "mount" ( 13 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_US" in "/usr/share/locale/en_US" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "btrfs", "-o", "defaults,compress=zstd:1", "/dev/nvme0n1p5", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "btrfs", "-o", "subvol=/@,defaults,compress=zstd:1", "/dev/nvme0n1p5", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "btrfs", "-o", "subvol=/@cache,defaults,compress=zstd:1", "/dev/nvme0n1p5", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/var/cache") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "btrfs", "-o", "subvol=/@log,defaults,compress=zstd:1", "/dev/nvme0n1p5", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/var/log") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "vfat", "-o", "defaults,umask=0077", "/dev/nvme0n1p7", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/boot/efi") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("mount", "-o", "bind", "/dev", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/dev") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "exfat", "-o", "defaults", "/dev/nvme0n1p8", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/home") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "proc", "-o", "defaults", "proc", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/proc") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "tmpfs", "-o", "defaults", "tmpfs", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/run") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("mount", "-o", "bind", "/run/udev", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/run/udev") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "sysfs", "-o", "defaults", "sys", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/sys") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "efivarfs", "-o", "defaults", "efivarfs", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/sys/firmware/efi/efivars") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     Starting job "unpackfs" ( 14 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_US" in "/usr/share/locale/en_US" 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "squashfs", "-o", "loop", "/run/miso/bootmnt/manjaro/x86_64/rootfs.sfs", "/tmp/tmpzscw8dzi/rootfs") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("unsquashfs", "-l", "/run/miso/bootmnt/manjaro/x86_64/rootfs.sfs") 
2025-01-20 - 16:44:59 [6]:     .. Running QList("rsync", "-aHAXSr", "--filter=-x trusted.overlay.*", "--exclude", "/proc/", "--exclude", "/sys/", "--exclude", "/dev/", "--exclude", "/run/", "--exclude", "/run/udev/", "--exclude", "/sys/firmware/efi/efivars/", "--progress", "/tmp/tmpzscw8dzi/rootfs/", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_") 
2025-01-20 - 16:45:43 [6]:     .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "squashfs", "-o", "loop", "/run/miso/bootmnt/manjaro/x86_64/desktopfs.sfs", "/tmp/tmpzscw8dzi/desktopfs") 
2025-01-20 - 16:45:43 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:45:43 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:45:43 [6]:     .. Running QList("unsquashfs", "-l", "/run/miso/bootmnt/manjaro/x86_64/desktopfs.sfs") 
2025-01-20 - 16:45:43 [6]:     .. Running QList("rsync", "-aHAXSr", "--filter=-x trusted.overlay.*", "--exclude", "/proc/", "--exclude", "/sys/", "--exclude", "/dev/", "--exclude", "/run/", "--exclude", "/run/udev/", "--exclude", "/sys/firmware/efi/efivars/", "--progress", "/tmp/tmpzscw8dzi/desktopfs/", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_") 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     Starting job "networkcfg" ( 15 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_US" in "/usr/share/locale/en_US" 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     Starting job "Generate machine-id." ( 16 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     .. Running QList("systemd-machine-id-setup", "--root=/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_") 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     .. Running QList("ln", "-sf", "/etc/machine-id", "/var/lib/dbus/machine-id") 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     Starting job "Setting timezone to America/Mexico_City…" ( 17 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     .. Running QList("rm", "-f", "/etc/localtime") 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     .. Running QList("ln", "-s", "/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Mexico_City", "/etc/localtime") 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     Starting job "Setting keyboard model to pc105, layout as us-…" ( 18 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult SetKeyboardLayoutJob::exec()
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     Executing SetKeyboardLayoutJob 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]: bool SetKeyboardLayoutJob::writeVConsoleData(const QString&, const QString&) const
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     Writing vconsole data to "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/etc/vconsole.conf" 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]: QString SetKeyboardLayoutJob::findConvertedKeymap(const QString&) const
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     Looking for converted keymap in "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/lib/kbd/keymaps/xkb" 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]: QString findLegacyKeymap(const QString&, const QString&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     Looking for legacy keymap "us" "pc105" "" in QRC 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     .. Found legacy keymap "us" with score 11 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     .. Found legacy keymap "us-acentos" with score 11 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     .. Found legacy keymap "dvorak" with score 11 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     .. Found legacy keymap "dvorak" with score 11 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     .. Written KEYMAP= "us" to vconsole.conf 0 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]: bool SetKeyboardLayoutJob::writeX11Data(const QString&) const
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     Writing X11 configuration to "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf" 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     .. Written XkbLayout "us" ; XkbModel "pc105" ; XkbVariant "" to file "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf" 0 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]: bool SetKeyboardLayoutJob::writeDefaultKeyboardData(const QString&) const
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     Writing default keyboard data to "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/etc/default/keyboard" 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     .. Written XKBMODEL "pc105" ; XKBLAYOUT "us" ; XKBVARIANT "" to /etc/default/keyboard file "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/etc/default/keyboard" 0 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     Starting job "localecfg" ( 19 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_US" in "/usr/share/locale/en_US" 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:22 [6]:     .. Running QList("locale-gen") 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/etc/locale.gen done" 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/etc/locale.conf done" 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/etc/default done" 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]:     Starting job "Configuring LUKS key file." ( 20 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult LuksBootKeyFileJob::exec()
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]:     There are 0 LUKS partitions 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]:     .. Nothing to do for LUKS. 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]:     Starting job "Configuring encrypted swap." ( 21 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]: void write_openswap_conf(const QString&, QStringList&, const LOSHInfo&)
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]:     Will not write an invalid configuration to "/etc/openswap.conf" 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]:     Starting job "fstab" ( 22 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_US" in "/usr/share/locale/en_US" 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]:     Starting job "initcpiocfg" ( 23 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_US" in "/usr/share/locale/en_US" 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]:     .. Running QList("sh", "-c", "which plymouth") 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]:     Starting job "Creating initramfs with mkinitcpio…" ( 24 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult InitcpioJob::exec()
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]:     Updating initramfs with kernel "linux612" 
2025-01-20 - 16:47:24 [6]:     .. Running QList("mkinitcpio", "-p", "linux612") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     Starting job "Configuring <pre>sudo</pre> users…" ( 25 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     Starting job "Preparing groups…" ( 26 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("groupadd", "autologin") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     Starting job "Create user replica" ( 27 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult CreateUserJob::exec()
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     [CREATEUSER]: creating user 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("useradd", "-m", "-U", "-s", "/bin/bash", "-c", "Replica", "replica") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running "usermod" "-aG" "lp,network,power,wheel,users,storage,input,audio,autologin" "replica" 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("chown", "-R", "replica:replica", "/home/replica") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Target cmd: QList("chown", "-R", "replica:replica", "/home/replica") Exit code: 1 output:
chown: changing ownership of '/home/replica/.bash_logout': Operation not permitted
chown: changing ownership of '/home/replica': Operation not permitted
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [1]: virtual Calamares::JobResult CreateUserJob::exec()
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [1]:     ERROR: chown failed 1 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     Skipping non-emergency job "Set password for user replica" 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "Set password for user root" 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "Set hostname imitation" 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "displaymanager" 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "mhwdcfg" 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "hwclock" 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "services" 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "grubcfg" 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "bootloader" 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "postcfg" 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     ..  Starting EMERGENCY JOB "Unmounting file systems…" ( 38 / 38 ) 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]: Calamares::JobResult unmountTargetMounts(const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     Read 10 entries from "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/" 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("umount", "-lv", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/var/log") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("umount", "-lv", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/var/cache") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("umount", "-lv", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/sys/firmware/efi/efivars") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("umount", "-lv", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/sys") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("umount", "-lv", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/run/udev") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("umount", "-lv", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/run") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("umount", "-lv", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/proc") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("umount", "-lv", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/home") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:05 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:06 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:06 [6]:     .. Running QList("umount", "-lv", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/dev") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:06 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:06 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:06 [6]:     .. Running QList("umount", "-lv", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_/boot/efi") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:06 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:06 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:06 [6]:     .. Running QList("umount", "-lv", "/tmp/calamares-root-t2q1v8d_") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:08 [6]:     .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:08 [6]:     .. Running QList("sync") 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:08 [1]: void Calamares::ViewManager::onInstallationFailed(const QString&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:48:08 [1]:     ERROR: Installation failed: "External command finished with errors." 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:08 [6]:     .. - message: "External command finished with errors." 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:08 [6]:     .. - details: Command <i>chown</i> finished with exit code 1.
chown: changing ownership of '/home/replica/.bash_logout': Operation not permitted
chown: changing ownership of '/home/replica': Operation not permitted
2025-01-20 - 16:48:08 [6]: void Calamares::ViewManager::onInstallationFailed(const QString&, const QString&)
2025-01-20 - 16:48:08 [6]:     Calamares will quit when the dialog closes. 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:08 [6]: void Config::doNotify(bool, bool)
2025-01-20 - 16:48:08 [6]:     Notification not sent; completion: failed 
2025-01-20 - 16:48:08 [6]: void {anonymous}::PowerManagementInterface::uninhibitSleep()
2025-01-20 - 16:48:08 [6]:     Sleep was never inhibited. 

Thank you for reading this and for your time and support <3

Is this literally as written or descriptive for / ?
Do you not have a / partition/mount ?

If these are the only errors and not indicative of some other problems then they would be trivial to remedy.
You could always chown (change ownership) of that directory and file.

Yes. Just descriptive. It was properly set as /
I found the problem I think. Linux doesn’t support EXFAT partition as the /home partition format as EXFAT doesn’t support permissions :frowning_face: bummer.


exfat is useful for something like a USB being shared between environments.

It is not a suitable filesystem for a *nix operating system.