Initramfs unpacking failed: read error

snapd is running and all snaps are up to date.

Why will the system not pick the newest installed kernel on boot? I am pretty sure that previously when I have updated the kernel, I have just installed a newer version and rebooted and voila I am running that version…

If you have, like I do,
in /etc/default/grub
then the last one that was used will be remembered and used to boot from.

In that case you have to actively change once to a newly installed kernel, otherwise the previous one will be used.

GRUB/Tips and tricks - ArchWiki

I did have that setting, yes.
So I installed version 5.15 and booted into that and magically all needed snap software worked again.
Then I installed v 6.1.44 and booted into that and now I am back in business.
This was scary. I was just about to reinstall the whole system.
Thank you all.

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