Icons in Konsole are not being displayed properly

Wasn’t Hack the default font for the base Konsole profile? I think so, and I would guess maybe recent changes with the font replacement (don’t recall what it was for) broke some font because I see many break the ZSH symbols in the shell prompt.

//EDIT: yep, just installed 21.3.7 KDE ISO, Konsole default profile font is Hack, everything is fine. My guess is probably not far from truth @Aragorn but only replacement I see in my VM is for nerd-font-noto-sans-monottf-noto-nerd

Something definitely broke multiple fonts recently though, just boot up an old ISO, and change fonts in the Konsole profile, now update and test same fonts, many are broken. Actually, besides Noto, they are ALL broken.

See in context, first the default Profile in the VM, then my current Konsole profile, all font are broken but the Noto ones.