I3status configuration file help

Hi, I hope this is the correct section, here’s what happened:
fresh install of Manjaro with the i3 iso version and I notitced that the i3status bar displayed the wrong time.
I tried to change it but no luck the issue tho is that the status bar now is not showing and I cant get back to the original config file because I overwrote the one in /etc.

Can someone give me the default i3status config file for Manjaro?
Here’s the one I have now which is not working:

# i3status configuration file.
# see "man i3status" for documentation.

# It is important that this file is edited as UTF-8.
# The following line should contain a sharp s:
# ß
# If the above line is not correctly displayed, fix your editor first!

general {
        colors = true
        interval = 5
        color_good = "#2AA198"
        color_bad = "#586E75"
        color_degraded = "#DC322F"

# order += "ipv6"
order += "cpu_usage"
order += "disk /"
# order += "disk /home"
order += "wireless _first_"
order += "ethernet _first_"
order += "battery all"
# order += "load"
order += "memory"
order += "tztime local"

cpu_usage {
        format = " cpu  %usage "
load { format = " load %1min " # max_threshold = 0.3 } disk "/" { # format = " hdd %avail " format = " ⛁ %avail " } ethernet _first_ { # if you use %speed, i3status requires root privileges format_up = " lan: %ip %speed " format_down = " no lan " } battery all {
        # format = "%status %percentage %remaining %emptytime"
        format = " %status %percentage"
        format_down = "No battery"
        last_full_capacity = true
        integer_battery_capacity = true
        # status_chr = ""
        status_chr = "⚡"
        # status_bat = "bat"
        # status_bat = "☉"
        status_bat = ""
        # status_unk = "?"
        status_unk = ""
        # status_full = ""
        status_full = "☻"
        low_threshold = 15
        threshold_type = time

memory {
        format = "%used | %available"
        threshold_degraded = "1G"
        format_degraded = "MEMORY < %available"

tztime local {
        # format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
        format = "%d.%m. %H:%M"

You have that yourself - in the package managers cache.
is the package which contains that file.

Just reinstalling the package i3status
will also give you that file - probably as a .pacnew
(because you edited it, it will not be overwritten)

In the cache there are no config files, also reinstaling the package doens’t fix the problem

In the cache there is the whole package i3status.
Which contains the config file.

If you have it in cache, just open it and look inside.
If you don’t have it - which is not the case, since you just said you reinstalled it - you can just download it again:
sudo pacman -Sw i3status
This will just fetch the whole package again and put it in the cache folder /var/cache/pacman/pkg

Also, if you reinstalled, as you said
the config file will not be magically overwritten - since you edited it.
In that case, the file will be put alongside your edited version - just with a .pacnew extension (or some other extension, I haven’t tested this)

The file is there - either in the package itself or in your /etc directory with some extension, to distinguish it from the file that you have worked on.

here is the easy way - this is the content of the original file:

# i3status configuration file.
# see "man i3status" for documentation.

# It is important that this file is edited as UTF-8.
# The following line should contain a sharp s:
# ß
# If the above line is not correctly displayed, fix your editor first!

general {
        colors = true
        interval = 5

order += "ipv6"
order += "wireless _first_"
order += "ethernet _first_"
order += "battery all"
order += "disk /"
order += "load"
order += "memory"
order += "tztime local"

wireless _first_ {
        format_up = "W: (%quality at %essid) %ip"
        format_down = "W: down"

ethernet _first_ {
        format_up = "E: %ip (%speed)"
        format_down = "E: down"

battery all {
        format = "%status %percentage %remaining"

disk "/" {
        format = "%avail"

load {
        format = "%1min"

memory {
        format = "%used | %available"
        threshold_degraded = "1G"
        format_degraded = "MEMORY < %available"

tztime local {
        format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

and this is what you likely intended to do
(I put in separators
to make it more clear):

# i3status configuration file.
# see "man i3status" for documentation.

# It is important that this file is edited as UTF-8.
# The following line should contain a sharp s:
# ß
# If the above line is not correctly displayed, fix your editor first!

general {
        colors = true
        interval = 5
        color_good = "#2AA198"
        color_bad = "#586E75"
        color_degraded = "#DC322F"


# order += "ipv6"
order += "cpu_usage"
order += "disk /"
# order += "disk /home"
order += "wireless _first_"
order += "ethernet _first_"
order += "battery all"
# order += "load"
order += "memory"
order += "tztime local"


cpu_usage {
        format = " cpu  %usage "


load {
        format = " load %1min " 
        # max_threshold = 0.3


disk "/" {
        format = " hdd %avail " 
        # format = " ⛁ %avail " 


ethernet _first_ {
# if you use %speed, i3status requires root privileges 

        format_up = " lan: %ip %speed " 
        format_down = " no lan " 


battery all {
        # format = "%status %percentage %remaining %emptytime"
        format = " %status %percentage"
        format_down = "No battery"
        last_full_capacity = true
        integer_battery_capacity = true
        # status_chr = ""
        status_chr = "⚡"
        # status_bat = "bat"
        # status_bat = "☉"
        status_bat = ""
        # status_unk = "?"
        status_unk = ""
        # status_full = ""
        status_full = "☻"
        low_threshold = 15
        threshold_type = time


memory {
        format = "%used | %available"
        threshold_degraded = "1G"
        format_degraded = "MEMORY < %available"


tztime local {
        # format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
        format = "%d.%m. %H:%M"
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