I have to reinstall my GPU drivers after every reboot

I’m getting that error everytime i try to download drivers/updating…
e[1me[31m> e[mInstalling video-nvidia-450xx…
e[0;32mSourcing /etc/mhwd-x86_64.conf
e[me[0;32mHas lib32 support: true
e[me[0;32mSourcing /var/lib/mhwd/db/pci/graphic_drivers/nvidia-450xx/MHWDCONFIG
e[me[0;32mProcessing classid: 0300
e[me[0;32mSourcing /var/lib/mhwd/scripts/include/0300
e[me[0;32mProcessing classid: 0302
e[me[0;32m:: Synchronizing package databases…
e[me[0;32merror: failed to update core (unable to lock database)
e[me[0;32merror: failed to update extra (unable to lock database)
e[me[0;32merror: failed to update community (unable to lock database)
e[me[0;32merror: failed to update multilib (unable to lock database)
e[me[0;32merror: failed to synchronize all databases
e[me[0;32mError: pacman failed!
e[me[1me[31mError: e[mscript failed!

sudo rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck
sudo pacman-mirrors -f && sudo pacman -Syyu
then run the mhwd command to install either the drivers i mentioned, or follow the advice kindly provided by @cscs (i have no experience with prime and dual GPUs)

I’m stuck at (6/6) Updating the desktops file MIME type cache... when trying to download any of the drivers…

Ok i did everything you said and i was able to boot with linux58 and the server x is working normally…
The thing is, i’m scared about having the same issue after rebooting

iEht.txt & iEhv.txt

The fact that the drivers are installed but not used is very weird… Actually i would have to reinstall these for the server x to work

Sorry to do this, but i’m uping this thread as i still don’t have any fixes…
I tried using linux54, won’t boot at all.
But i still have the same issue in any other versions

So, the proposed approach by @cscs didn’t worked and mine neither. How about if you backup your data and do a fresh install?
Have you tried removing completely the Nvidia drivers, reboot and set in BIOS that the AMD GPU is primary, even change the PCI port each GPU is connected, then once you have access to the desktop trough the AMD GPU install the Nvidia drivers and then only remove the configurations but keep the modules to load? Have you tried to append nomodestting at BOOT?

Ok, i think i will restart with a fresh install (i know it will fix it bc it already happend a few month ago)…
Is there any way i could keep my applications installed ?