How to set gtk root theme

Hi I have a small issue when I run nvidia-settings as root from terminal sudo nvidia-settings it does not use the theme I have set Breeze-Dark it is using a light theme (not sure which)
Does anyone know how to set it to use the Dark theme I have set please?

sudo dbus-launch systemsettings5 but there is no option to set the gtk themes there

kde-gtk-config is installed but I cannot launch it in terminal

I have tried adding XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=“KDE” to /etc/environment

I have tried setting ln -s /home/roo79x/.gtkrc-2.0 /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
and ln -s /home/roo79x/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini /etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini

I have also tried the suggestions in the Arch wiki Theme not applied to root applications

I am stumped and would just like a fix to this issue please.

Thank you for your time and help

copy the content of /etc/skel/ to /root

sudo cp -r /etc/skel /root
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Thank you but unfortunately just tried it and it did not work.

Oh - it will work - you just have to logout of root - then back in …

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yeah I’m a dummy :joy: I just rebooted and it worked Thank you so very much. I’ll mark your post as the solution

If anyone comes here for a solution this one has stopped working.

I did a clean install yesterday. Tried this again and it didn’t work. Even tried all the same things from my original post. Nothing seems to work. I’m seriously considering moving to another distro altogether. No offence to the Manjaro team but there are just to many issues with Manjaro KDE and I do not see how they can say enjoy the simplicity when it’s becoming less than simple. KDE Partition Manager doesn’t work, Theming not consistent, K3B doesn’t work as it has permission issues and can’t burn to discs, KDE Connect has issues with sending and receiving files. But anyway that is all for another thread.

I you are running KDE as root - you are bound to get issues - it is almost inevitable.

You use case seems to be non-standard - and you shouldn’t blame Manjaro for not suiting your specific needs.

KDE is constantly changing - I seriously suggest you use KDE neon -

Thanks for the reply. I don’t run KDE as root only nvidia-settings which you are told you have to just to save the settings. From the Manjaro wiki
[Configure Graphics Cards - Manjaro]
A possible solution might be to have the nvidia-settings app ask for the user password when you go to save the settings.

All the other issues are just standard usage with the preinstalled packages. I switched from KDE Neon as I did not like it. and it is more complicated and buggy now than ever before.

I might try Linux Mint not that I want to I just feel like I don’t have a choice as nothing seems to be improving instead things seem to be getting worse. I wish it wasn’t like that. Makes me a little sad {so to speak} in a way actually because I thought I had found the right distribution and desktop environment for me. But I have seen the KDE edition slowly getting worse not better. Again I do not mean this in a negative way this is just the truth. Maybe the Manjaro team should temporarily halt KDE desktop edition for a while and only focus on the pinephone version as that seems to be their main focus at the moment.

I was just assuming you were referring to the OT which is setting gtk root theme.

If this is not the case - I recommend opening a new topic in stead of creating a non related comment in an existing thread which has nothing to do with nvidia-settings and any comments on stability of a given DE has nothing to with OT.

The stability of any Linux distribution cannot be measured by the stability of the chosen desktop environment.

When using Arch based distributions the desktop environment is most often very close to upstream - and KDE - I don’t want the DE discussion because it is very much personal.

I have never been been able to use KDE to any satisfaction.

When I started with Linux years back I was using Gnome - but it slowly degraded - they are getting better - but as I care more for stability than eye candy - I switched to window manager only.