How to set each desktop individual window manager

I want open windows as regular in my primary desktop and krohnkite ( like dynamic window manager) in my desktop 2 …how can I do this …?

you can create a script to toggle krohnkite to switch between regular mode and krohnkite irrespective of desktop :point_down:

change videowallEnabled to krohnkiteEnabled. also check out bismuth (github youtube) as krohnkite is no longer maintained and bismuth has a icon to toggle it on/off from the system tray.

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is this process applicable for bismuth ?

nope. you can install bismuth through aur by installing kwin-bismuth package. then go to Settings > window management > window tilling and enable tiling:


when tiling is enabled you’ll this toggle on system tray to turn tiling mode on or off:


bismuth is a fork of krohnkite and it’s better and i suggest that you see this bismuth (github youtube) for more understanding

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