How to run Windows partitions automatically when booting my computer

I have three disk partitions, two Windows:


and one Manjaro.
I noticed that when I open my computer, the Windows partitions are not loaded, but when I click on the two partitions on Dolphin they will run.

How to write a .desktop file so that I do not need to click on them and automatically run them?

You can add these two partitions to your fstab:

<path, where the paritions should be mounted> <defaults 0 2>

You have to add it to fstab like @Keruskerfuerst mentioned.

Keep in mind that if a partition can not be mounted when it is in fstab, you will end up with a blackscreen.

Are the where the paritions should be mounted selection must in /mnt ?

These partitions can be mounted somewhere else.

You can mount partitions anywhere you want, that’s the nice thing about Linux.

I have a folder /data in the root directory, where my internal backup HDD is mounted.
The HDD contains 1.1 TB of data.

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what is the difference of defaults 0 2 and defaults 0 0? I use defaults 0 0 and there isn’t any problem.


The fifth field (fs_freq).
This field is used by dump(8) to determine which filesystems need to be dumped. Defaults to zero (don’t dump) if not present.

The sixth field (fs_passno).
This field is used by fsck(8) to determine the order in which filesystem checks are done at boot time. The root filesystem should be specified with a fs_passno of 1. Other filesystems should have a fs_passno of 2. Filesystems within a drive will be checked sequentially, but filesystems on different drives will be checked at the same time to utilize parallelism available in the hardware. Defaults to zero (don’t fsck) if not present.

More information: man fstab

Thanks, so what may happen if I do not fsck my partition?

It will not check the partition. For NTFS 0 0 is common because fsck cant check ntfs.

I read that getting fstab wrong can pretty much brick your system.

I followed a different procedure that does not touch fstab at all. An NTFS disk on my system automounts with no problems on my PC.

For reference, my .mount file looks like this:

Description=Mount Webdev disk (/leesdisks/webdev)


The .automount file looks like this:

Description=Automount webdev partition

Now I can access the disk by adding using /leesdisks/webdev. You can add the new location to your file manager if you prefer to use that.

Thanks @linux-aarhus for a wonderful guide that saves us from blank-screen shock!

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