How to move btrfs subvolumes to another drive

So I’ll try to start from the beginning.
Wanted to move system from 2 SSD drives to 1
Had @ and @cache on one SSD and @home on second

I used timeshift for my ‘backups’ - insurance for system upgrade failure.

  1. I created read only snapshits of @, @home, @cache
  2. I mounted /dev/sdc1 to /mnt
  3. I did btrfs send <snapshots from 1> | btrfs receive /mnt
  4. I did writable snapshots
  5. I dismounted 2 SSD drives and mounted third drive to laptop
  6. I did fstab adjustments and grub reinstallation to new drive

After this my system booted up. But when I checked:
btrfs subvolume list /
I had 5 subvolumes instead of 3

When I deleted 2 extra subvolumes {portables, machines} with btrfs subvolume delete they were recreated after reboot.
I checked my previous configuration (with 2 disks) and there were 3 subvolumes. No machines or portables.

So I decided to let go.
Today I wanted to delete one of timeshift snapshots.
I couldn’t do that because of nested subvolumes.

So I did as I said before - mount, delete (with btrfs subvolume delete), umount, delete

And after this after reboot instead of subvolumes machines and portables I’ve found directories.

And as I said. I’m happy with it because I like it this way. But I don’t like my lack of understanding :slight_smile:

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