How to make trackpad work properly in wayland?

I have to use a trackpad with my desktop because of the way its setup.

I have used x11 for years and synaptic works just fine.

I now have to change to wayland but i can find how to sort the trackpad out.

First thing is it cant detect the transition between a single finger cursor moment and a two finger scroll.
If im moving the cursor around the screen with a single finger i need to be able to just put down the second finger while im still moving the first finger and have the system recognize that it should now be two finger scrolling. It should also do the same in reverse (lifting second finger up to be back to cursor movement).
Secondly, I need the coasting on all windows not just firefox.

I have tried to work without these basic functions that exist and are fine in synaptic, and its a case of computer nearly out the window from me fighting with it at every moment.

How do i set these up?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Testing wayland. Touchpad still unusable