How to install package not to /opt

Hi, i have mounted /opt directory on my HDD
I’am trying to install google-chrome from AUR (using yay), but it installs at /opt, like zoom (using pacman)
Is there any way to select installation path for binaries (ex. /usr/local/bin for chrome, /opt for texlive)


Hello @ermvad and welcome :wink:

It is the way how Google packaged their “Google Chrome”. The PKGBUILD just grab the DEB Package. Sure, you an change the PATH, but at same time you have to manage your custom file yourself.

Short answer: You cannot.

Longer answer:

Download the source code and run the usual comfigure/compile stuff. Something along the lines of an example ./configure && make PREFIX=/usr/local && sudo make install which you should thoroughly research as real world most likely is different.

Whichever method you choose - remember the rule - updating may break your custom build packages.