Another light on resources topic - VERY BAD SHOW

Very Disingenuous IMHO to split post onto another thread for disagreeing with your point of view. I am shocked and disappointed.
To then place it in non technical section and remove all reference to RAM and LXDE adds insult to injury - perhaps that was your intent - hardly a mistake. Very bad show

It was not off topic as your excuse says - Head Post By: Fan4_metal


Hi, I’ve noticed that my Manjaro Gnome uses under 600 Mb on a fresh start on my VM. I thought Gnome was much heavier, but this is comparable to “light” DEs like XFCE.

So I was right on topic with both quoted RAM figures and light DEs - LXDE

Thanks - does that give green light for me to write a post on RAM and the slowdown… even if it interrupts the space time continuum :upside_down_face: - quoting the Wiki “A space–time Trade off or time–memory trade-off in computer science is a case where an algorithm…”

Hey - I am 71 and retired but an engineer’s brain can never switch off :face_with_head_bandage:
Paid a friend and colleague years back to build me a SolidWorks 3D CAD tower rather than just buy a Dell Workstation. I still use it - Er? and XP-Pro…! Test all Linux distros on it too.

Wow - never seen such a readout - i9 sounds expensive?
Have you ever maxed system out or got anywhere near?

Is it you that I have to thank for that 112MiB RAM used on Trisquel-mini LXDE…?
It was recorded on that very old SolidWorks 3D CAD 4GiB RAM tower that does not even have an “i” number :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

No - I have only contributed to Manjaro - was invited to join the team in 2017.

What tweaking I have been doing it has been on Manjaro and Arch - both tweaked down to just above 100MB - I found a topic 111MB to be precise.

Ah - that is with a window manger and no DE (LXDE)…

So Trisquel-mini LXDE is still the King of Lightweight distros at 112MiB used RAM with a DE, Web browser, picture editor and pro quality writer etc.

Even juiced up with full LibreOffice suite, Gimp, Hardinfo etc comes in at 247 MiB used or loaded with video editing Pitivi still only 267MiB used

BbxBang based on Manjaro without even a DE - Fresh install or USB live boot uses about 250 Mb of RAM.


As I said earlier - it is not about how low can you go - it is about functionality.

You should just use Trisquel - we have had the discussions - and we are way past that - if you think Manjaro uses to much memory - use Trisquel.

So you would agree that Trisquel and Trisquel-mini have more functionality as well as better efficiency?

Just searched for Trisquel-mini and there is just this post.
There are no RAM discussion comments under the few results found by searching - Trisquel.
So where did you have those discussions to get way past that?

This is Manjaro forum - we don’t discuss trisquel here - and we are past discussion on RAM usage. If you want to learn about Linux and RAM - see

You could search the archive (one or two years ago a major breakdown caused the forum to be rebuilt - only text is available)

Is this against any particular community rule or is it your special rule?

Just searched for “Debian” and lost count of over 50 results - please explain.
Just searched for “Mint” and lost count of over 50 results - please explain.
Just searched for “PopOS” and lost count of over 50 results - please explain.
Just searched for “Fedora” and lost count of over 50 results - please explain.
Just searched for “ubuntu” and lost count of over 50 results - please explain.
Just searched for et etc etc…please explain?

Is there a special rule concerning discussion of Trisquel, Trisquel-mini and Triskel?

Nothing will ever be learned, nothing will be advanced, by ignoring evidence.

Yes; been to that link many times - it is so incomplete in content?

This is Manjaro forum and the members contribute knowledge about Manjaro to other Manjaro users.

I didn’t say anything about rules - I merely stated a fact - I haven’t seen any mention of Trisquel during my 5 year stay on Manjaro.

Now that you mention rules - one of them is - no support for other distributions.

Other GNU/Linux distributions often use different package management, package versions, repositories and configuration, constituting support for such projects quite impossible on the Manjaro forums. Community technical support is intended for the Manjaro Linux distribution and packages available in the Arch Package Repository and the Arch User Repository. Threads concerning issues with, and requesting support for, completely separate distributions or operating systems are strongly discouraged and may be closed. Threads requesting support for distributions that are upstream or downstream from Manjaro will likely be allowed so long as you’ve exhausted that distribution’s own support services first. - Forum Rules - Manjaro

So you have no problem with discussing any other distro in relation to Manjaro - or do you?

I am obviously not seeking support about Trisquel.

It should be quite clear that I am contributing to Manjaro with better information on RAM utilization - It is no good burying your head in the sand or pretending to be more efficient with a headless window manager. Cheers

Very Disingenuous IMHO to split post onto another thread for disagreeing with your point of view. I am shocked and disappointed.
To then place it in non technical section and remove all reference to RAM and LXDE adds insult to injury - perhaps that was your intent - hardly a mistake. Very bad show

I don’t pretend anything - I don’t assume anything

Such topics are bikeshed discussions and not fruitful in any way.

Threads stating the equivalent of “there is a problem with the Manjaro system and methodology, we need to discuss it” have been repeatedly proven ineffective and inflammatory and will usually be locked after a warning from the moderation team. If you have identified a systemic issue, find a solution that works for you, implement it, then post.

Furthermore, questioning or discussing the methods used by the Manjaro Linux development team will be monitored closely and locked if deemed unhelpful and/or unproductive. Harsh, unproductive criticism is also uncalled for.

If you have a question regarding Manjaro development, please ensure that your topic poses a specific question and be open-minded to responses. If possible, provide a solution or partial solution. Submitting code and patches for discussion is always more pragmatic than asking others to do it for you. - Forum Rules - Manjaro

You are assuming bad intentions and attack me personally - that is trolling behavior and unacceptable.

Please do not continue.

The topic was split up for several reasons

  • it was going off topic for the original topic
  • it was only you and me
  • it is not a technical thread but personal viewpoints


Frede Hundewadt is a moderator

Aarhus, Denmark

I Andy1, am being effectively stopped from posting here as the other poster is a moderator.
Can I humbly apologize to the 255+ readers for being unable to read my comments?
Thanks for your interest.