How to disable activities opening by click hovering

I want to disable the option that click hovering over “activities” opens them.
I want to be able to click when I need to access Activities. I frequently just put my mouse next to me and the cursor ends up in the upper left corner and opens activities when I don’t need them.

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Hello there,
If you still looking for an answer… As I was when I reach this topic in 2021, the answer is:

In Manjaro GNOME, open Activities and type tweak. The system will complete with the Configuration or some similar function, as you can see in the picture of my system:Captura de tela de 2021-04-23 15-51-47
In the opened application choose: Top Bar > Activities Hot Corner (or something like that, sorry my version is in Portuguese).
Here you can see in the first option.

I know that my answer is not technical as possible, but I think that is clear enough.
I’m using Manjaro “Ornara” 21.0.2